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Everything posted by bgammax

  1. I am honestly rather bad with it and I think it is too easy to use and kinda OP in several BTB maps the game is determined by if the person with the sniper is good with it and the team with a better sniper wins
  2. bgammax


    So then is there a real reason I never get one decent person no matter where I look,but I always have to go against people who can at least do something besides murder me?
  3. bgammax


    Exactly and if that's true than noone in the lists I'm looking for has any ability to play the game whatsoever and if not then why does the other team always have some skill in the game?
  4. bgammax


    I'm sorry,but are the filters supposed to do nothing because no matter what filters or no I get retards who it was a miracale they got to the title screen.
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