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Everything posted by Furi0usGeorgeX

  1. wait, werent the prometheans (not the ai's) the only ones who achived tier 0 tech? so maybe an ACTUAL promethean is the ancient evil. just my theory. and btw tier 0 tech means that they could travel between galaxies, so universal domination WOULD be possible
  2. guilty spark is dead... i remember, because i killed him myself xD and if he does have a backup, then maybe. but i think that having more monitors on requiem (because its an active forerunner installation) makes more sense.
  3. no. more than half of the staff are ex bungie. the rest are all halo fans and sci/fi graphics artists (aka bionicle and metroid prime)
  4. Sorry haha I am from America, but you don't have to be American to join. Also, I am not entirely sure exactly how many members we currently have. Everything is VERY confusing at this point, but as soon as everything is figured out and organized, you should be able to see how many members we have on the Facebook page. So far 3 people have liked the page, but we have more than that xD
  5. This is the final entry for the Prometheans clan. We have decided NOT to wait for Halo 4 to launch. Instead, we have started recruiting friends and randoms over Xbox LIVE. Also, I have created a Facebook page, and you can find it here---> http://www.facebook.com/prometheans In addition, clan activities will begin (and continue) after we reach a member/recruit population of 8. ACTIVITIES Big Team Battle Team SWAT Grif-ball Living Dead Team Slayer Custom Games RANKING Master- Gold Leader- Silver Member- White Recruit- Black CLAN MEETS Once a month, we will have clan meets. We will discuss things about the clan, such as emblems, problems, forge ideas, kicking and exiling, etc. We will have a clan meet map soon, but we will have to make one when Halo 4 releases. GETTING BANNED OR EXILED To be banned or exiled from the clan, there are a few things you can do. -Bully another clan member -Flame or bash another clan member based on his/her race, gender, religion, etc. -Grief another member's Forge creations -Purposely betraying fellow clan members in Matchmaking or causing them to be killed/lose (team games) It all depends on the severity of the offense. If you are exiled, you can regain your place in the clan. But if you are banned, then you can never come back. If you are interested in joining, go to our Facebook page (link at the top), like and post your Xbox LIVE gamertag, or message me or the leaders on Xbox. *EDIT* The Facebook page does not show the Leader's gamertags, so they are Jeremama21 and C3R3AL ASSASSIN
  6. Prometheans Facebook page is up. Like the page if you are a Promethean or if you wish to join. Post your Xbox LIVE gamertag when you like, so I can add you on Xbox
  7. Oh and cortana is not against the chief. At comic-con they showed a campaign cutscene where Lasky, the Chief, Cortana, and the Infinity's Captain are arguing whether they should repair the Infinity and flee Requiem. But Cortana and Chief must know that the "Ancient Evil" wanted to leave Requiem and destroy humanity or something. That's why Cortana flipped out and said "I will not allow you to leave... This... PLANET!" and the Chief clenches his fist afterward. Just my interpretation.
  8. 1) learn to spell. 2) having those things would be completely overpowered and unfair. 3) chances are they might have the focus rifle AND the beam rifle. 4) dont tell 343 what to do. theyre making a great game, and they dont need "advice" from guys like you.
  9. actually, youre a clan leader. im the clan master XD C3AREALASSASSIN is the other leader.
  10. Furi0usGeorgeX

    Halo 4

    kind of a dumb question lol
  11. looks like an awesome weapon, but i wanna use the SAW ;D
  12. the Prometheans participate in SWAT, although thats not all we do. we also do BTB, team slayer, and sometimes invasion. (depends on how many members in the lobby).
  13. they probably found the ship in space and decided to scavenge whatever they could from the ship, weapons, parts, etc. but instead of finding those things, they stumbled upon the chief and got their asses handed to them. just my theory
  14. it was in halo 3, halo 3 odst, and reach... i dunno what you mean : P
  15. alright. i probably wont be on until later next week... im on vacation with my dad ;P but after that we'll talk
  16. i dont know why, but it always seemed harder for me to get headshots on people who had inclement weather or pestilence because they had big clouds around their head, and sometimes they were the same color as the clouds.
  17. i think that the ranking system should be based upon wins (team games) or wether you get a high place in FFA (1st-3rd, top half of scoreboard?), and credits should have nothing to do with rank, except for getting a higher amount of credits when youre a higher rank.
  18. me and my friends are very dedicated to this clan. one of my leaders has experience leading clans, and im sure he'll help keep things in line with me and the other leader (not sure who that is...). btw we've decided to start the clan now, and transfer to halo 4.
  19. maybe not driveable pelicans and phantoms, but just placeable, like an unflyable pelican or a crashed phantom. and all sorts of destroyed vehicles to place, just for aesthetics.
  20. lol i hope the SAW is a weapon that we can put in our classes
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