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Undead Legends

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    Undead Legends

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  1. I hope they realize that new people wont stay playing there game just because of a few gimmicks that help them out. New people will always get trashed on and will stop playing if they get discouraged so they might as well just appeal to the crowd who is going to stick with it. I know the audio thing is a bit much but I think it would be a nice addition.
  2. I didn't see a thread for this so I thought I'd start it out. I just watched a lot of the MLG game-play/commentary on Halo 4. I do understand this is not the final product I just wish to express concerns from myself and the rest of you all to 343 in hopes that we can see a more competitive Halo 4. Sounds: I noticed a complaint from some of the MLG guys were the background noises. I myself noticed a lot of background sound effects that would be fairly distracting over a headset when trying to maintain map awareness. I think a custom option for which notifications you would like to hear would be a nice inclusion. When I heard the award for "Distraction" pop up on the screen all I could think of was how distracting that must be for someone who is trying to focus on diverting attention elsewhere. Maybe with a custom setting you could set it to play only killstreak notifications and weapon drop notifications and set the background noise to ambient with no outside effects? I think that would be cool to have. Weapon Drops: I think they should be a little bit harder to attain because then the focus shifts from controlling the map to trying to camp and get good weapons. I think this may interrupt the flow of game-play when all it takes is a killing spree to get a game changing weapon. If you have any more suggestions for increasing competitive play please post in this thread! I want to make the community and 343 themselves aware of our voice. Share your thoughts.
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