Hi, my name is HG Kool Aid and I'm a member of a gaming community called (as the title says) Hyped Gaming. We are a very big family with hundreds of members and are always looking for any new members who enjoy playing halo. We also play games like Call of Duty, Minecraft, and Battlefield 3.
Here's a brief thing about how the clan is set up:
Since it's so big, the clan is divided into divisions with each one having their own leaders etc. These divisions act in a way as a group of smaller clans who have their own colors and events, but follow the same rules. Divisions also play different games, so some may be only on Halo: Reach while others may play that and MW3.
Current divisions:
Dangerous Turf
Frozen Legion
No Mercy
Sharpshooters (sub-division off No Mercy)
Syndicate (the division I lead)
Basic Rules:
-No Teabagging (we just don't do it)
-be mature (sort of obvious)
-no sexism, racisim, etc (we have all sorts of people in the clan, with many of the leaders being girls in fact!)
-you must be at least 14 years old with a mic (if you are under 14 and would still like to join, there are seperate junior squads that you may be able to take part in)
If you need any more info, our website is http://hypedgamingonline.com/. What's cool about it is that you can even find it on google if you type "hypedg"-it will be the top suggestion!
As for me I've been in the clan now for just over a year and have had a great time. Almost my entire friends list is full with HG members and I get on and have fun with all of them. What's cool about this clan is that no matter what kind of gamer you are then there is a divsion for you. In Syndicate we like to hang out, play custom games, and simply have fun playing video games. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on xbox live (my gamertag is the same as my username) or leave a post!