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Everything posted by snipeskuxx

  1. People who keep saying i'm sick of these halo=cod threads can take there own advice and stop commenting on the thread if they don't like it. drone is saying that halo is turning into cod not that it is cod. He says they are borrowing/stealing way too much from cod and i agree. The reason i played halo was because it wasn't cod. i liked how it took (in comparison to cod) ages to kill someone. Features that have cod like concepts behind them. grenade indicator (confirmed in e3 trailer) sprint as default (this isn't a major complaint but it still bugs me) not being able to pick up grenades no weapons on map ordnance drops perks instant re spawn point instead of kill scoring so for all you people saying it's not turning into cod look at the facts (above) these features are all new to halo and are all found in cod. Halo is halo and needs to stop trying to be cod just to get more people to play it because frankly its pushing people who actually care about what makes halo halo further and further away.
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