So i've been hearing about the emp grenade lately and how it sorta counters promethean vision. so i had some ideas of how it could work. the emp grenade could counter three armor abilities and vehicles. heres what i thought it could do to promethean vision. the emp grenade could not only take out shields but also disable it for like 30 seconds or longer.this would be useful for situtions where the player who got hit with promethean got away since everyone has sprint. now he has to relay on his or her radar. now the player can stay crouched and sneak around instead of getting getting killed by the player he or she thought was some where else. also from the gameplays i saw, promethean vision looked over powered. like how if a whole team had promthean vision that team would know where the other team is at all times. now if the team got hit by emp grenades it would be a big game changer, for the next 30 or more seconds, i would perfer if were the more seconds but thats up to 343. the next thing it could counter is the hard light shield. now image your playing halo 4 you just got a killing spree. your about to get your next kill when the guy pulls up hardlight shield, you waste your ammo , try to reload or switch to secondary but in that time the other guy lines up his shots and ends the little scuttle. well lets say that went differently since you had your handy dandy emp grenade. you throw it, it disables hard light shield for like ten seconds and his shields, you shoot the life outta of him. now the other armor ability it could work against could be jetpack. i would also say thruster pack but, since its like an evade ability, i believe thruster pack should be some thing you can use to get my thought s are since the emp grenade has the same radius as a sticky grenade it could stick to things like one. so image a player using jetpack to get to high places and lets say you have a emp grenade you throw it, it sticks to the guy and it disables the jetpack and the guy falls to the ground. you get the kill and a medal for it. these are just my ideas what does anyone think?