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Everything posted by EliteSniper

  1. OMG elites control the internet! YES FINNALY!
  2. I'd like to help but i can't now because i gave ODST to my friend. Anyways add me if you want i'll ask him to return it to me these days.
  3. EliteSniper


    Right now I'm wearing pilot with the 3rd attachment.Though recon and Mk VI is one of my favorites.
  4. Hey Mr.Biggles, i was going to say that!
  5. Armor Abilities are ok but, THANK GOD NO ARMOR LOCK IN HALO 4!!!
  6. All the above. Also maybe a weather change option? Or land (dessert, snowy,forest)?
  7. I only hope that the scattershot won't be overpowered.
  8. NO THEY AREN'T DINOSAURS. They look cool.
  9. Add me if you re still up to this. My GT is ''EliteISnIp3r''
  10. Mine was The Ark, The Covenant and Halo. Also Vplus2 the ship you board at the end isn't the Pillar of Autumn; it's Forward Unto Dawn
  11. It's funny because he said ''thanks, i know now'' and some people still reply to him.
  12. Halo 4 Assassin's Creed 3 Maybe Splinter Cell Blacklist
  13. Well, when i saw the title ''Biggest dissapointment of E3'' I thought it was Black ops 2. Uh, nevermind.
  14. Mine was Halo CE (well, what a surprise) on my cousin's xbox.
  15. It's easier to use than Halo 3. I suck at sniping in H3.
  16. I have just reached Hero. I don't think i will reach Inheritor before Halo 4
  17. Yeah when it happened to me for first time i was really sad because i was a field marshall. But the next day it was fixed.
  18. No, because it's near Halo 4 release. But i like the idea.
  19. I just saw another video that the button layout is default from Reach, except sprint is clicking the left thumpstick.
  20. I'm sure that some stuff may will change until release, but anyways the game looks beast!!
  21. EliteSniper


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