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Everything posted by Detectx

  1. I agree. Should start with 1 not 2.
  2. I was just in an Infinity Slayer match it seemed like all I died by was power weapons the whole game. I see 2 solutions to reducing this problem, -Make it so that when you pick up the weapon from your ordiance and die with it that it goes away and cannot be picked up by anyone. -Make the ordiance a little harder to earn
  3. Yesssss, Sandtrap, Avalanche, Guardian, The Pit, and Last Resort please
  4. YES OMG YES. Bring Elimination to Halo 4
  5. I don't like this... I think Halo was fine without it. Now im gonna jump into a match half way through on the losing team eventually and ******* lose. GREAT, JUST GREAT. EDIT: unless I can change this in my preferences (:
  6. And yes. I know its too early to be talking about this, but I really dont think they will have the time to add this to Halo 4 thats why I put Halo "5".
  7. Make. This. Happen. 343i, if your going to be making Halo 5, take this into consideration. It would be so cool and epic to fight the Flood with your friends and see how long you can last. What do you guys think? Any ideas??
  8. http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/Xbox-360/Halo-4-Limited-Edition/20302628/ scroll down to details.
  9. Best place to buy is at mightyape.com because their special offer. "Pre-order and receive the Raptor in game Armor Skin, Locus Helmet and Assassin Multiplayer Emblem exclusive to Mighty Ape! "You'll also get the Pulse Armor Skin and Bonebreaker Emblem free!" Best offer yet. And those are the best looking skins.
  10. Sprint is always there permanently. I mean armor abilities like the thruster pack, vision, etc. So technically sprint is not an armor ability.
  11. Yea I know. But knowing how 343 is trying to change up the multiplayer a bit, they might try making a sniper respawn where the shotgun initially spawns.
  12. Some of us that have been playing Halo multiplayer for a long time, and would like to play Halo 4 how we have played past Halos. -Everyone starts with their BR or AR (Maybe the loadout feature will be OK for this). -Race for power weapons (NO Weapon Ordinance Drops!). -No armor abilities. -Power Weapons Respawn after certain amount of time in the SAME spot. A playlist like this has most likely already been implemented into the game, but can we get a confirmation? Would be really disappointing if its not...
  13. Haha, wow. Well, I have both Xbox 360 and PS3. PS3 is better. The only thing that takes me back to playing my Xbox 360, is Halo. On PS3 you get better games and a bigger variety. Uncharted 3 (EPIC), Twisted Metal, Killzone 3 (My favorite), Little Big Planet 2 (Its actually fun), Starhawk (Great third person shooter), Resistance 3, God of War Ascension (OMG O_O), Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale (SSBB for PS3), and lets not forget about DUST 514...(FREE TO PLAY MMO coming out for PS3), and we also have another FREE TO PLAY MMO... DC Universe Online(Amazing). Oh and then theres The Last of Us(wow....just wow...) There may be more PS3 games that I have not mentioned. And you dont have to pay to play online. What does Xbox 360 have? Gears & Halo. And Gears isnt even that good, compared to Uncharted. Ive played both for a long time. But Xbox is better at being more of a social console, party chats, having a bio, moto, and sendig voice messages, etc. This is why I think my PS3 is better than my Xbox 360. I rather play a console that is all about the games, than a console that is about being more social. And btw im logged into this forum and posting this threw my PS3's internet browser and using my keyboard that i use for my PC on PS3. Can't do that on my Xbox 360... Enough of that, im here for Halo
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