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Everything posted by VEF214

  1. All my non-gaming friends are kinda like this it's hilarious. Good post. XD
  2. Sure haha. Bottom line, if 343i can cater to the new, they can cater to the old. Everyone wins.
  3. CE was near perfection. 2 was wobbly but amazing. 3 was legendary. Reach... well let's talk about a personal experience real quick. Me vs. 3 other kids on Powerhouse. Bring down shields of first, Armor locks and avoids final headshot. Does same to 2nd running at me, armor locks to avoid last headshot again. 3rd kid armor locks and avoids dying from my grenade blast. 1st and 2nd come out of armor lock. I kill the 1st, 2nd kills me. Eh I'd say subpar at best. But you gotta give Halo 4 a chance. I think it'll be good.
  4. I'll admit, I don't know how to reply to this.
  5. The reason they decided to make them was innovation for the sake of innovation. Halo all the sudden needed AA's to keep up with the pace of modern gaming and its needs. AA's unbalance the game if they alter base player damage or health, and I hope 343i understands this. Movement and stealth/detection/distraction AA's are fine. I wouldn't say they are 100% balanced. Nothing is truly balanced if both players spawn with different abilities. It's only semi-balanced and made to seem completely fair on the surface because "well yeah you can choose it too." But in reality you do lose engagements purely because of AA's, even when you aim better, strafe better, and generally fight better than the opponent. And you lose because you didn't pick the right one for that moment, thus, not rewarding basic player skills, such as aiming in a shooter, but rather menu selection options which is bizarre. Halo for the most part has lost its satisfying arena feel. It's still fun, but at the same time way more frustrating, and also I find myself owning people and feeling the "my god this is cheap but I love it" rush. *armor locks*
  6. It's not that hard for 343i to edit a few options and make it a playlist, I don't see why people are ruling it out and saying it shouldn't happen. You wouldn't be forced to play it anyway. But I am excited to see how the new armor abilities and "perks" play out.
  7. Never said they were facts buddy. Yea pressing a button and seeing someone through a wall does add more skill. And how is being out DMRed in a classic playlist cheap and nooby?
  8. As long as AA's are kept out of classic playlists and playlists that require skill etc, both sides will be happy, the ones who hate them and the ones who want to use them. If you want a less cheap and less nooby Halo experience, you play without them. If you want an adrenaline-filled pubescent experience, you play with them. It's pretty simple and both parties can be made happy easily.
  9. Hornet. One passenger can have a Spartan Laser. GG
  10. Ordnance drops seem a bit strange to me. They just appear beside you? I thought they had to drop from the sky. I've seen footage of players calling in ordnance drops right next to them while they had floors above them. Just seems strange that I can be basically underground and spawn a shotgun beside me if I want to.
  11. Curious to see where everyone is pre-ordering from and for what reasons. I'm still trying to make up my mind, since there are so many different pre-order bonuses floating around at the moment. Any suggestions? If there is a complete pre-order bonus list I'd like to see it as well. Imo, I hate it when pre-order bonuses are scattered around so much. At least there are only 2 editions of the game. Standard for just the game, and limited with most of the extras included. The edition side is logical and not frustrating (coughAC3cough), pre-order bonuses well... bad situation. Too many items scattered over too many retailers. Horrible gaming trend going on atm. What do you think? Also, do you think all the pre-order bonus skins/armors/emblems will come out as a small DLC pack in the future? Or will players be playing a game in the future where they don't ever have access to all of its content? Convince me where I should pre-order from! Or where the best deal is (most items for the least amount of money.) Thanks.
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