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Everything posted by VEF214

  1. You can have a shotgun as a primary and an auto-turret as an armor ability?
  2. I like the scarring and battle damage idea a lot. Maybe even claw marks and scratches. You can be as pristine as you want or as damaged as you want. Just nothing retarded and childish like pestilence.
  3. Will the names change? For example will Red Team always be Demon with a wolf? I guess it's okay, just thought the names would be better.
  4. Yeah I just hope they make it into match making soon. When you get down to it, the community can usually make better maps than 343i/Bungie on Forge World. They said they won't be in matchmaking initially, but they will slowly be injected in.
  5. Looks like a cool gun, I wonder if the Hardlight Shield will protect you from a direct shot.
  6. If you're terrified of spoilers when the game is released, don't search for Halo 4 stuff on the internet and forums. It's like saying I don't want to get attacked by a shark, yet you jump into the water where they are. There will always be idiots who intentionally want to spoil others. All though spoilers don't irritate or disturb me at all, it would be nice for spoiler-related content to be in a specfic area. Tread carefully, but don't whine and complain when you've been spoiled, because when it comes down to it, it's your own fault.
  7. It's all a matter of persepctive. Armor that looks cool to you may look very dumb to someone else. And I'm sure the artist coming up with the armor wasn't cackling evily saying this piece is another dumb looking spawn just taking up space. They also have to innovate for the sake of innovation, you can't just bundle up Halo 1/2/3/Reach armor and say look it's Halo 4 armor, people will feel jipped. When I look at them, they look Halo, and that's the only necessary tick in my book they need to join the ranks. Functionality is also a matter of perspective. All in all I'm sure everyone will find a couple of pieces they really like and think will represent them and their tastes well, and that's all that really matters. I'm pre-ordering from Walmart soley for the Oceanic armor, and I've seen tons of hate on it. Not gonna stop me from wearing it for a while, as I think it looks cool. If you can't find any armor you like, close your eyes when you go into 3rd person. This isn't a big issue.
  8. Haha Indiana Jones Seeing as Halo 4 is shipping with 19 maps if you buy LE, I'd like to see some good non-Forge World maps as well.
  9. Yes those are always fun. I think I'm gonna be alone on this one but I'd love to see some Omega Journey style maps. The ones where you have to bash stuff out of the way to escape from the spawning zombies behind you.
  10. No the video only had 1 guy on orange team during the game I guess it was by accident.
  11. Don't really like this idea. Vehicle boarding is rare enough, once it happens, each player should get what they deserve, a boot or a new seat. Would be interesting if you could either choose to take their seat or chuck a grenade in and just jump off though.
  12. Eh IMO that would rob a lot of people of deserved vehicle kills. Just learn to time getting out better and become more efficient at knowing when your vehicle has sustained too much damage, it's pretty fast as it is how much faster do you want it? That's a fundamental part of being in a vehicle, having more speed and damage output than people on foot but knowing that what you're riding in is a big target and can blow up in your face. The insta-ditch feature eliminates the danger of using vehicles, making it only a win-win scenario, which overpowers vehicles, by enabling the user to live and continue the fight on foot too easily.
  13. Maybe even have some of the crazier and more extreme maps and variants. I think people who aren't big on custom game Infection would find these an eye opener and very entertaining.
  14. Orange is team Stalker and is represented by a spartan helmet emblem with dual swords in the back.
  15. Yes Halo 2 Brutes were the best... because they were actually brutes. Even though they were simple, fighting them was so different than say Elites. Their interactions when fighting the other Covenant was also interesting. An Elite dualing a Brute both with their distinct Plasma Rifles for example. The Elite would have better accuracy and were able to dodge shots better, the Brute would then try to engage in melee so as to win and either die or destroy the Elite. I doubt they'll come back though, even though they were so much fun to fight. Can't wait to see the Promethean warriors fight the Covenant though. If the Elite getting disintegrated in the demo was any indication of how the interactions go, time to mop up the remaining Prometheans after the fight.
  16. lol i was implying the fact that you can't pick up additional ammo from bodies. picking up additional ammo =/= infinite ammo
  17. First off will it exist? If it does, I really hope we don't have the same bland game types and bland Infection maps where things are "destroyed" or in decay. The community spawns legendary Infection maps that are fun and balanced. Use them! Please put those in instead of everyone running around with only X amount of ammo in a map forged in 30 minutes with bland Infection game types. At launch, these maps can do their job, but there should be a slow transition into community only maps. The Infection playlist is great, but it can be much much greater. Hell you could even have 2 Infection playlists, one standard, one community. Thoughts?
  18. "So maybe you loose some of your shield when you dive out depending on your speed and how you land." You can avoid damage all together. Getting out fast while slightly slowing down the vehicle, and getting out normally while still moving fast. So what's the point of a damage penalty? People would still do it at high speeds anyway, and if you're getting hit by an entire team, what would be the point of quick ejecting and losing shields if you don't already have shields or are losing shields quickly, would you die? If that's the case then just get out normally. I hate to be that guy but I don't see the point of this. You want people to die in vehicles most of the time otherwise it turns into battlefield. The whole Halo risk/reward thing needs to be there. You know you can't bail out at super speeds if you get into a tight spot and your vehicle is taking damage and might explode but you know you have increased speed and damage to compensate. Like in the gameplay footage of the warthog getting stuck by the sticky detonator, if the two bailed out at super high speeds and lived with only a little shield penalty... not very satisfying for the guy managing to get the stick.
  19. How about something more interesting and emblems that players themselves can't choose? I don't want to be on Team Unicorn that's for sure... or Team Wolf for that matter. Seems placeholder to me. I hope at least.
  20. What would be the point of getting out regularly then?
  21. LE at Walmart all the way. Gonna rock Circuit Armor because no one else likes it lol
  22. Will we always be playing with one team represented by a unicorn and the other by a wolf? Why are red team and blue team named now and represented by emblems? This disturbs me. #RedTeamDemonWolf #BlueTeamFuryUnicorn Why? Was it just for the display games? Orange Team has been confirmed as Team Stalker in a video that I'm currently trying to find again.
  23. Not usually a fan of Mtn Dew, but those orange and blue ones look pretty good..... nom.
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