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Posts posted by Squeaks

  1. As a former halophene I can say that I'm disappointed in the footage that has been released for Halo4 so far. My first Xbox game was Halo2 , before I bought it I had played lots of smash bros and other Nintendo GameCube classics, my classmates in 7th grade had always talked about Halo2 nonstop and I would always call them losers . Little did I know I would become addicted to Halo2 like so many of us throughout our childhood , turning on my xbox as soon as I woke up was not an unusual thing for me . I had played video games like smash bros because it was not only fun but because it was competitive and Halo2 online had provided me , a former casual player, a new venue to compete in that didn't require me to step outside my room. What had made Halo2 and somewhat Halo3 great games was the fact that it had high replay value and even allowed for the casual gamer to play for an extended amount of time. Clans and the 1-50 ranking system made it so even the casual gamer could become addicted to video games . Without the 1-50 ranking system this game is guaranteed to fail. The only thing that as me given me hope to want to buy this game is the BR but if there's no ranking system I will not buy this game and I'm pretty sure I'm speaking for a lot of other people here. There's a lot of aspects from each Halo game that could've been implemented to this game to guarantee that not only people buy it but that people keep playing it . Here's what 343 needs to do to make this game the best possible :

    -1-50 ranking system


    -theater allowing more than one person to watch at a time

    -take out sprint or other gimmicky abilities like clue to where a grenade as fallen , keep it simple

    -better maps anything that doesn't resemble reach maps

    -keep forge


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