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    Huge fan of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Cult movies/tv series. Oh, and a lot, LOT of games for PC/Xbox/Xbox 360.

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SternuS's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)




Community Answers

  1. Saw you got a question on this week's Canon Fodder! Nice one!

  2. Some time ago I uninstalled and reinstalled the MCC, since I couldn't play online. Since then, it kind of works- it still takes a lot to get into matches and sometime just won't, but at least I managed to finish a couple games. For anyone that still has problems with it, I suggest you to try this solution.

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Has the latest patch not helped you out SternuS. Another thing that I find works is giving your Xbox One a hard restart before searching every time (turn it off and unplug it) and this should reset your connection. By the way good to see your name on here again!

    2. SternuS


      Thanks! Glad to see you're still working around, Drizzy.

      Unfortunately, the last patch did absolutely nothing. After that, I then tried to uninstall and reinstall again, and that kind of fixed it. I'll absolutely try your solution, as I did with every other I could think of. Anyway, I managed to play some games, and I had a ton of fun already, so I'm just happy with that.

  3. As a huge fan of the Total War franchise, I am very happy and I'll absolutely watch every part of the Let's play. Having played the Grand Campaign as both Epirus and Syracuse, I'd suggest you go with them. They have a very hard starting position, especially Epirus (they have a diplomatic relation of -20 with every greek faction, which makes them hated by every neighbour), and they'll have to complement each others' armies, for Epirus lacks heavily in the navy and Syracuse lacks in good horsemen. Anyway, good luck, and I'll be looking forward to this serie!
  4. I wish I could play the MCC multy, has anyone any solution for this? I've already asked on Waypoint, but it's been 2 weeks and 343i hasn't responded me yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      For now, the beta seems to be working fine.

    3. Adam91


      How do you know it's only 5%?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Estimate based on stuff I read.

  5. Nice, guys. I'm happy to see some fresh blood in the Staff ranks. Good luck!
  6. Happy birthday sternus hope all is well stop in and say hi sometime.

    1. SternuS


      Thanks! Everything is good, I hope I'll be able to get back here more in the future but as a Playtester for Sins of the Prophets my attention is requested there more than here. But I'll surely keep visiting back, as I've done so far!

  7. Happy Birthday mate! Have a great day

    1. SternuS


      Thanks!! I'll surely have a great day :D

  8. Yeah I'll jump on the train too. I've been lurking a lot in the last years, since I've been caught in another forum and basically left this one. So I think my opinion wouldn't count too much, me being an inactive member. But every month I checked back to see who was the newest MoM, and the most recent changes to the Moderating team. Although I respect RSR's decision, and although I consider him one of the wisest members here, I think this time he took the wrong decision, for the many reasons stated above from many members. But it's even easier than you think. The whole MoM idea was born as a reward to the most active members that contributed fundamentally to the growth of this site. MoM is something earned, something that should make you feel special and unique in that month and in the months to come. Because you were handpicked from the community, the crowd, and you stood as an example of how every member here should be and act alike, and you should be respected and loved. I remember when Victory Element asked me and a bunch of other trustworthy members, when he got elected as MoM, to buy a Micorosft Points card (back when they still existed) to give at each Moderator (Sorry if you didn't want this to get public, VE, but it's been a long time ago). This was the first time I ever put some money in a forum, because I was really active at that time and the community was at its best (in my opinion). THIS was an action worthy of being a MoM. THIS is why you were elected as a MoM. THIS was something unique, special, an act of kindness that not everyone would've been willing to do. MoM shouldn't be awarded just because it is a new month and we need a new MoM. And most of all, MoM shouldn't be a propaganda instrument.
  9. Absolutely. Borderlands is one of the best games in the last and current generation.
  10. With this reveal, 343i is back in my top 5 Software houses list. Been a while since Anniversary came out.

  11. E3 tomorrow. My God, I remember last one as it was yesterday.

  12. I suppose he is either a seek-and-destroy Spartan, or he is just trying to find the Chief. It really looks like a badass, that's a fact. His armour is quite advanced, I'd guess a MJOLNIR GEN3. Anyway, it really looks like Forerunner design. Interesting is also the new design of the BR he's holding, if that is actually a BR. The scope is quite different, restricted like a short-range weapon. I suppose, he being a new character, that we'll play as him in the main Campaign, at least a part of it. Maybe we'll see a split up Campaign, like Halo 2 one, where we play some missions as Master Chief and some as the new spartan? One thing is for sure: ONI wouldn't send a Spartan of their own to follow the Master Chief without a good reason.
  13. I've waited for this day for so much time... Welcome back! Finally, some Pillars have returned!
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