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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. SternuS - 6 Church - 5 EliteISnIp3r - 1 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 JI1223 X - 1 Axilus Prime - 1 And yes, you have to make the next riddle!
  2. IF it's not the Autosentry (i think that is correct), i'll go with pulse grenade...but i'm sure Autosentry is correct.
  3. Well...i'm not really good with words, so...you know you have my support on keeping this site clean and enjoyable, thus keep on with the good work. I'm proud to be Dedicated!

    1. EliteSniper


      Congratulations buddy! //KEEP CLEAN//

    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. SternuS


      Thanks y'all!

  4. Argh! -1 post to Dedicated. So thrilled....

    1. Church
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I know you'll make it good SternuS!

    3. SternuS


      Thanks for the confidence :D

  5. Ah, the two qualities i appreciate the most in a person are humility and honesty. You truly act and think older than you are, and is surprising how, being "young" into Halo, you can discuss with "older" people always making valid points. Well deserved, friend.
  6. This morning i woke up and said "Who knows who'll be the next MoM". Then i was sitting at a coffee bar and thought "I bet it's Victory Element, i mean, i can't think anyone else at this moment" I can't believe it. I am a prophet. CONGRATZ VICTORY!! You know that i know that you deserve this totally even without making a congratz post, right?
  7. Bibbidy-bobbidy-BUM! Score: SternuS - 6 Church - 4 EliteISnIp3r - 1 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 JI1223 X - 1
  8. Already a month...31 days that Church is MoM...man it looks like yesterday. Time really flies. We should start the Member of a couple of Months, MocoM. Because you should deserve this. Keep it up, Church!
  9. Nope. You were right when you said that you "face" them for the first time in Halo 4, but they're not Forerunner.
  10. ...that is a good intuition, but unfortunately, it's not the answer.
  11. Nah, they're cool, it's just me being too addicted to Halo We were deployed when The fortress world fell. Backbone of the Remnant, You saw us recently for the first time; The crypt took many of us, But we are nothing compared to our big brothers armed to the teeth. Our loss is acceptable, while their is not. Score: SternuS - 6 Church - 4 EliteISnIp3r - 1 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1
  12. Ta-Daaaaa! Score: SternuS - 5 Church - 4 EliteISnIp3r - 1 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 Sorry, but Church posted before you, so victory goes at him!
  13. Mmmmh, i don't think they made any remake of her? With remake i mean really remake, even changing the name of it... Too bad you haven't posted in time! Why don't you try to solve the current one? So far no one got it
  14. The most important thing is: let's not start comparing it with Halo. Halo is Halo, it's nonesense to compare it with another game. Especially with a different gamestyle. Bungie is a veteran studio, they know how to make good games. And this one looks promising. I'm 100% sure i'll buy it at day-one without hesitation.
  15. Maybe Spartan-Ops can be repetitive, but you can't complain on Campaign being not fun. Fun is subjective. Fun could mean easy to play to someone, or it could mean demanding. How can 343 fix something that is "not fun", in your opinion? And by the way, there is a Legendary ending. Short, and in my opinion very bad and not required, but there is. So stop whining like a 3 years old and play something else, or just grow up and discuss what you didn't like about the game without talking nonesense.
  16. You mean Grif? Nope, not him....nor any other spartan Welcome to the riddle challenge! Nope, sorry, not him!
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