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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. I agree with everything you told, except point 3. That didn't ruined my experience. While the story was great, the development of it was awful. Cortana has to warn you about every enemy you encounter, like as you don't have eyes. "Yes i can see that Phantom in front of me, thanks Corty, now shut up please.". The flight in Pelican was terrible, boring as hell. it lasted two minutes and all you had to do was shooting at some Phantoms.
  2. It's already great that they've showed two of the main Spartans of the Universe. I'm sure, if they'll make a sequel, they'll show more of them.
  3. Whoohoo! I am so much happy to have been able to participate this great contest! I hope next year i'll be able to donate more! Congratz to everyone, winner or not! And a Merry Christmas!
  4. Lol no, first one is correct! Even an unknown Halo is nostalgic, isn't it? Thus with that soundtrack... Congratz! VaultingFrog - 7 SykoWolf - 3 Virus - 4 Humpstyles - 2 Winry Rockbell - 1 Zaguroth - 1 Director - 1 Church - 1 Sarge. - 1 SternuS-1
  5. Good attempt, but nope, sorry Think MORE nostalgic...
  6. Heaven sucks. It's like normal life. Wait a sec...

  7. Whoohooo! Ok here we go: I'm seen only for a few seconds, Yet i managed to bump your heart, Nostalgy went off the charts, You desired to land on me, But you had to save the Humanity. What am i? Very very easy, but i like it
  8. Oh, then i'll totally check it out! Aah, too bad. Turrets were essential though Oh well, i bet it will be amazing on Flood even without them.
  9. Ice-skating is fantastic!

  10. Nice! But i'd like to see it on the fileshare...if Waypoint had one You made this on Flood mode, and it seems legit, but what about making it on Dominion? With just one base to control, the attackers must use tactics to gain the upper hand and become the defenders, and so it goes.... I'm talking like a player that almost never experienced Forge and doesn't know how it will work, IF it'll works. Again, i should see it on the Fileshare.
  11. O_O Too good for me. I am a poor riddler! Congratz, i saw all the riddles being awesome.
  12. I can see your point, and it's a valid point. Me first i'm not defending Del Rio for any tactical choices he made. I'm just saying that he (probably) acted as he always did, maybe he had different types of ships under his command, and maybe he was not the most suitable commander for the Infinity. But Hood put him on that "throne", and he was at least a half responsable for his poor judgment. Thus, i'm confused with the Didact's Cryptum. Why didn't he actived his ship, vessel (i forgot it's name, Mantle-something) just after the Infinity attacked his Cryptum? Why has he waited for the Infinity to leave the planet?
  13. Then why didn't he put Lasky as the captain from the beginning? Well i think this is wrong. He succesfully defended the ship while it was landed, and he managed to destroy the force field, allowing the ship to get out from troubles. MC choices could have seriously damaged the ship, attacking the Didact (just remember that the Didact's vessel was stronger than the Infinity, though it was damaged during the battle on Earth by two of its MAC/lasers or whatever they are). But yes, some informations could've helped the Earth defenses.
  14. That's what many people forget about. MC isn't a VIP, a Commander in Chief of the UNSC. He's just a soldier, he has to obey any order he might receive and he has not to argue with the commander (as he did, when Del Rio stated that sending a recon would slow them down). Yes, of course everyone should listen to his advice, i first would listen to him and obey, but in that particular case, Del Rio had the full command. And by the way, everyone thought he was dead, nobody expected him. But he was put in Command of the Infinity by Lord Hood himself, if he was a bad commander, whose the fault? He just acted as a Commander should do. No proves of what MC said, just a rampant AI and a thought-dead old soldier. What should you do? Engage an unknown enemy with a relatively intact ship, in a forerunner world? With a Covenant fleet awaiting?
  15. Never tried the 360 version. I suppose it's identical to the PC version, with tricky controls? A great game, though i'd like it to have an objective, something that makes me hurry building up my fortress, or stuff like that. Solo is REALLY boring, and in pairs is FANTASTIC. Strange game indeed.
  16. Ah yes, the God Pistol. I miss her. But be careful, in CEA multiplayer, which is Reach multi, there is no God Pistol! Even in the Anniversary playlist i think it's nerfed!
  17. Btw, i'd like to see more of them in Campaign or S-Ops. Those were great Cruisers.
  18. Right, but just because they had some chances of rebuild their "empire". No homeworld, no hopes. (this reminds me of Homeworld, wonderful game...)
  19. Mmh, nice tip... lmao @VaultingFrog yep i don't think i'll be able to move faster than a tortoise! EDIT: I really enjoyed it, an experience i must repeat! Thanks for all the comments, i've been stuck to the fence for half an hour and only at the end i learned how to skate! Awesome! P.S. Fall count: 7!
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