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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Yeah alright, but without Earth it isn't the same. And by the way, who will they fought for? Venezia? There aren't many other colonies out there.
  2. Thanks, but the real problem is...i've never been skating I suppose it will be hard, i surely will let you know how it went. If i come back alive
  3. I didn't noticed that. I don't think it's true and anyway you won't care 'bout it, don't worry
  4. So it happens that tomorrow i'll go Ice skating for an hour or two. Since it's my first time ever, i'd like to hear some advices by you, Community. Do you like it? Have you ever tried it? How is it, funny? Frustrating? Should i put a pillow on my back? Any comment wil be helpful! Thanks!
  5. Seriously, i literally LOVED the scene It's almost identical to the book, and you really laugh. Peter Jackson
  6. Though i like this idea, the whole Halo universe would collapse. No Earth, no connection with us, no reason to fight.
  7. A bit hard to accept for newbies, but rightful thought. Same opinion here.
  8. Ok so i HAVE TO wish for something.....NNNGGGgghggggghhhhh....wait, maybe....no. Ok, i'll go with that. I wish for the 14 days Gold Trial. Or maybe even the Canvas image from Insigna, if he's going to send it via normal mail, like in a package
  9. Indeed, i hope there will be more discussions on Halo 5
  10. I edited, though if you've read the book, it's not THAT spoilerific.
  11. Peter Jackson is, simply as that, Peter Jackson. He confirmed himself, again, as the director of all the directors. He managed somehow to mix epic with fun, in the way everyone wants to see. Congratulations, Sir.

  12. I can confirm, the film does live up to the Lord of the Rings.
  13. Is the "Necromancer" in Dol-Guldur Sauron? I think so, but i'm not sure...confirm?
  14. The "Forerunners Mega-Sentinels" in the fifth mission of the campaign of Halo 4, when you're on the Mammoth. "Largest bird" intended as Pelican, perhaps... I described everything because i don't remember their name
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