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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. YOU were so close when you said Librarian, i actually got to check it twice before saying "no"!
  2. Sorry! DING DONG! But admit it: you wouldn't have made it without my hint Sykowolf - 3 DigitalVirus - 3 Zero3366 - 2 SternuS - 2
  3. HAhahahahaha! My riddle was tough, wasn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SykoWolf
    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      The wording was hard to figure out as pieces were missing but it was a good one


    4. The Director

      The Director

      If you hadn't given the hint I would have gotten it. I was about to post the answer when I realized that there had already been about 20 posts after it. q.q

  4. Ok, my 10 minutes of glory have passed, soo... YOU, Syko, were so close, so close... Generic hint: it's an essential part of the Halos... Nope!
  5. Nada. You're not even trying! "I am forerunner", both of you are not. Nope @Digital virus
  6. Nice one, i'll probably make the next on this, but i'm sorry, no
  7. Mmmh, it depends wheter Halo 5 is coming out in 2014 or 2015 (i hope to wait 'till 2016). Obviously, another Halo on this console would be inappropriate. 360 has already been used to it's maximum power for Halo 4...
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