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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Indeed they should. I'm disappointed there wasn't a scarab in camapign too, and as you said, we need a new "big badass" enemy to destroy in Camapign. Or even to not destroy, just watch it passing by destroying everything it encounters...i dunno, just saying some ideas
  2. This But not this :down: No it's not the best Halo ever in my opinion, i'm having fun playing it, but the lack of secondary characters is quite disappointing. It's a good start, but not better than ALL the other Halos. And what do you mean with :" but this one truly is better than all CoD's put togethor." ? Of course is better than CoD, it's HALO! lol
  3. I am your worst nightmare, I am hated and feared by the most, I am pain, i am suffer, I brought you to the limits of your mind, I am legend, I have seen many of your kind dying, Trying to make my core their, I've been Flooded, but i'll never be Their slave, I am Forerunner, But you must be Inheritor. What am i? (it's not THAT difficult, but i put my heart in this riddle, so...enjoy!)
  4. Really sorry, but if i post one now it will be super easy! Meanwhile, search for the most uncommon things of the Halo universe lol!
  5. Oops, i gotta go now...tomorrow i'll make another one! Hard as steel, i promise!
  6. Indeed, a CAS-class Assault Carrier is 5.3 km long, the INFINITY (you were almost there) is 5.7! LOL @ master chief
  7. Ding! Actually it was a generic CAS- class assault carrier, but hey! Sykowolf - 3 DigitalVirus - 2 Zero3366 - 2 SternuS - 1
  8. But it ISN'T a Boss fight! You don't have to FIGHT. The Heretic, Tartarus, even 343 GS was a Boss fight if you think about it. But it was disguided so well, you didn't care about that horrible boss fight (hitting it with a laser anyone?)
  9. Lemon Squeazy, Easy Preazy ...or something like that lol ok here we go: I am reknown for my size, I am the biggest of the fleet, When you see me you think "well, that's high!" I bring shadow over many ships, I can defeat them with just one hit, But only a ship is bigger than me. What am i?
  10. Duh, nevermind lol The great bird of war, the UNSC symbol! Yes, yes, wonderful riddle! Kudos!
  11. In my opinion (solo, huh? well, i've played them much more in co-op, but maybe if i dig up a little more in my memory...) Halo 2 Halo 4 CE ODST Reach Halo 3 I've put Halo 4 right before CE just because the "wonderful" frequency of disappearing weapons...i mean, what the hell, they disappear 12 seconds right after they've hit the ground...
  12. Tomorrow i'll PM you, this way i'm sure i won't forget lol And i don't wish anything, so if my name is drawn just pick up another one, i already have everything i need from these codes And a merry Christmas to you all!
  13. Why did you put that horrifying image of a spider in your sig?
  14. Wonderful idea! I literally LOVE to see any fan-made story! Only one question: Can we continue the story in multiple posts, or it has to be a short story?
  15. Poor Caboose, no one really cares about him. lol Well, this is my first welcome post ever, so... Welcome!
  16. Boss fight? Well, it seems obvious you haven't fought Tartarus. THAT was a boss fight. But i don't think a boss fight suits for a game like Halo.
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