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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Jorge. He's kind, polite, strong, and he didn't hesitate a second when his sacrifice was needed. Nor did the whole Noble Team. But he was a Spartan II, he knew he was important, he knew what had to be done, he knew his duty. "Tell 'em to make it count". Well we did it Jorge.
  2. They've released some news yesterday at Milan at the Games Week, but I can't find them.
  3. Ah, missed this one. But this^ has my approval.
  4. Yes, they totally were. The Arbiter killed their leader, and then he became their leader. Maybe Heretics wouldn't have helped Humans as Covenant Separatists did, but who knows.
  5. Venezia. In italian, Venezia means Venice, and Venice is such a beautiful city. Furthermore, the planet has not been glassed yet, so you know...I would still be alive. I mean, I'd like to live on Reach too, but it's almost a dead planet now.
  6. Oh no, Azaxx! The Mean Ruler, the Dictator, the Terror of the Seven Seas, Azaxx the Terrible! Azaxx the Conqueror! Who will fight by our side, now? Who will dare to rebel against his monarchy? Who will save this forum from such a terrible disgrace?
  7. Longswords! The first, the best, and the only starfighter Humanity ever had! Along with the Pelican, it is a trademark of Halo! Er, I mean....it was... But hey, next one should be about Cruisers classes and stuff like that, because as AD said, there's still plenty of ships out there waiting to be voted!
  8. Theros is out! Goodbye wallet, I loved you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SternuS


      Heck I don't really know...maybe Intro Pack-White

    3. Cooliest


      I think blue and green were by far best at the competition I went to.

    4. SternuS


      Combined? Because that's my favourite combination.

  9. It is undoubtedly an intersting choice. But it doesn't excite me as it should. I hope they'll change it for the 360. And yes, I'm getting it on the 360. Who cares for graphics, I want an awesome gameplay. I mean, look at Combat Evolved. I guess they're gonna reveal Venus. It's such a mysetrious planet.
  10. Should I be surprised that our government fell again? I mean, should I? Because it happened so many times in the past 2 years that I'm getting used to it...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cooliest


      lol you saw my comment om his page huh?

    3. Spyro


      What? No, I just noticed what his pic was is all.


    4. Cooliest


      lol thats so weird because I just noticed what his pic was after like a year of seeing him around here. And I posted about it on his wall just earlier today.

  11. You Sir manage to make me laugh hard every time. Every time you make a Wrapup.
  12. It's a GTA. It's cool, funny and likable. But it's not a revolutionary game as they wanted us to believe so. It's a great game, but doesn't change much, regarding the gameplay, from GTA IV.
  13. Yay, I got mentioned! As Cooliest said, I don't really like them, because...well, because they're the fourth generation of Spartans, and they're basically ODSTs with a powered armor that's not really a Mjolnir. Also we barely had enough time to scratch the surface of this team, maybe in the future we will understand their feelings and why are they fighting, But, between all of them, I prefer DeMarco. Charismatic, strong leadership, smart enough to understand when it's time to attack and when you should retreat. It's the only one with a little of sense of humour, and he was an ODST.
  14. Wow. It's glad to hear the News group has a new addition. Congratz Cooliest! And Church! About time you were promoted to the deep blue! Keep up with the great work, bud!
  15. I'd love to see the Arbiter and Rtas making a comeback in Halo 5. Because...well, they represented the Covenant Separatists, and they're well characterized. Also I think it would be interesting to see the Blue Team in action with Master Chief, but I don't think they'll make their first appearance in Halo 5. I hope so, but if 343i wants to deepen John's humanity and feelings and stuff, he must be the "Lone Wolf". Isn't the Iso-didact dead? I think that
  16. Yeah! I saw this coming a month ago! There's nothing really much to add at what AD jokingly said. I think I liked every single post you made. When I joined, you were the Forum President, and I thought "Man, that guy must be worthy of respect". And indeed you are. The only member that can be overwhelmingly funny and extremely serious at the same time. Wise and helpful with every single member. You deserve to be Legendary. Congratulations, and I really look forward to see you active again!
  17. She is alive. Sorta. I still haven't figured out what kind of "thing" is that at the end of Halo 4 in which Cortana saved John from the explosion...but surely it's gonna be something Forerunner, like some sort of Domain. Thus Chief will have to go find her in a Forerunner Structure (I hope it being the Ark although is improbable) or he'll have to find the Didact to seek for answers. Or she is integrated with some Ancillas, to form a Gravemind or something alike. But that's highly improbable.
  18. Happy Birthday. Great game. Great Developers. We understood the Campaign was engaging even without the developers telling us that it was. "We wanted to tell a story about Master Chief. We wanted to let you understand that there is a person, a human person, behind that armor." and stuff like that. Yeah no **** 343, we kinda understood he is a person when Johnson died, when a single movement of his hand when Cortana said "I'm sorry, Chief" was more explicit than a thousand words. We don't need an entire game to tell us that.
  19. Forerunners! They created, moved and destroyed STARS! But if you're talking about after Halo 4, then I'd go with UNSC. Infinity can ram a CCS cruiser with no apparent effort nor structural damage. We are finally the rulers. P.S. maybe next should be "Who has the greatest Military power?"
  20. As always, since I've been on this site, you are definitely, unarguably right. We should really put this where everyone that comes on this forum can see this. But do you know what I think will make Halo a revolutionary FPS again in the future, besides, obviously, its story? Forge. A place where you can create maps that will be played by millions of gamers worldwide. It's the old "Editor" option in games like Starcraft, on PC, transported on a console. This will be revolutionary.
  21. Rome II is the best Total War ever made. And believe me, I was really skeptical about this game. But they made a wonderful game.

  22. You don't create a character of such importance and then just kill it at the end of the game. He is coming back.
  23. 40 years ago, the greatest fantasy author passed away. Thank you for making my life a wonderful life, Tolkien.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Church
    3. AnimalDenWinter


      moment of silence alllso long live the hobbit.

    4. Spyro


      At least we have George R.R. Martin now. He shall fill the void until he passes.

  24. Nope I was talking about the "lesson" sentence. Anyway you cleared that up. What you're saying is right, when you are an experienced player you shouldn't create a new account. It's like playing the campaign on Easy.
  25. Nice topic! I'd say Forerunners. Yes, the Covenant are supposedly greater in numbers, but we already faced them and we know what they are capable of. Forerunners are a new threat, and the Didact seems pretty convinced that our estinction would be a good idea. Their ships are unmatched, their soldiers are advanced AIs, and stuff like that. Stick with Halo, this is such a great opportunity to talk about its expanded universe.
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