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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. As always, good job. It seems we share almost the same opinions, ALWAYS! lmao But could you be a little more specific on the "overhyped GI-Joe knock-off" thing? How is the feeling changed?
  2. OH YOU GRAMMAR NAZI Can you tell me the title of this book if i tell you: Quel ramo del lago di Como... ?
  3. Indeed, ONI has done many horrible things. But this doesn't imply that he should join with humans, by the facts you rightfully pointed out. I miss "Thursday War"'s informations, but as i can remember, he wasn't quite happy to see his fanatic friend dealing with humans.
  4. I perfectly remember the scene. It was one of my favs, lol! I...cannot agree more with you. I first am against S-Ops requiring Glod Account (just look at my profile history), and i still think it is a shame. I do not have a Gold account, so i have to play with my borther's profile (which you can understand, it's not THAT satisfying). I was just thinking that maybe a flashback would derail too much from the story. For example, imagine if in H4, in a mission you played a training session of MC. You would have been forced to focus on two different stories: the Didact's awakening AND the Chief's arising.
  5. If it's going to have flashbacks missions inside of it, i hope they will put them as a..."S-Ops" thing, detached from the Campaign but integral part of the story. Completely agree. I hope they will wait 3 years before H5, like the good ol' tradition.
  6. Calm down. We understood your idea. Now let someone else describes his own. And for the "he's not a machine" thing: you really thought he was a robot? Even without reading the books (which is always much appreciated), i could have imagined he wasn't an emotionless thing killing everything to save humanity.
  7. Firing Halos....why not? They did it before... not much an interesting charachter developement, rather a not so original story, you know. Then what, they're going to activate a portal to another Ark in order to stop 'Mdama? Another highly improbable development. Beside the thing that ONI is "in command" of the UNSC (Parangosky is quite an important admiral), 'Mdama probably hates Humans as much as the Didact does. Infact, this started with him trying to kill the Arbiter, didn't it?
  8. Why didn't the Forerunners put their gene-codes into the Ark, or any other installation? Why did they decided to end their dinasty? Maybe the Librarian decided they were no more able to pursue the mantle?
  9. ^Indeed it is the Composer. Point to Epic Announcer.
  10. SternuS


    Locus?... Ah, that helmet! Lol, i totally forgot about that! I've seen nobody wearing it so far. Anyway, no way to have it. You should've preordered it at the dedicated shop.
  11. I understand your concernation. Nobody knows why they didn't put their genes into the Ark, or any other facility. Maybe the Librarian thought they weren't strong enough to fight the Flood, even at thousands of years in the future? Maybe she thought we were the only hope to destroy the viral enemy, because some of us were immune to the flood? Who knows? But i'm sure (and i hope too) they will explain that in the future years. I mean, they're free to do whatever they want, why explain everything now?
  12. SternuS

    a boss fight?

    Well, that would be amazing. I would even pay one BILLION dollars to have it as a boss fight. Seriously, no. Not in my opinion. Because, because because...let's just say, Tartarus no more, please.
  13. Watch out, we got a badass over here. ..."revealing that he is not a machine", "revealing that he is human", "a much depth to the story", are all comments already made in the Making of. Being one of the last Spartans-II, destroying a Halo, Leaving the Earth to follow and kill a Prophet, assaulting the core of the Covenant empire, leaving Cortana behind just to follow another prophet on an unknown ship, Landing on earth on a metal scrap from 2 km high, taking a truce with the enemy he fought for 30 years, leaving another time the earth to end the fight and eventually finding cortana, looking at his probably last friend dying...and he never surrendered. Do you remember "BELIEVE"? Well, when you saw all the marines crashed by the Covies, when you saw destruction and desperation all over the field, and then you saw the Chief, hanging by the hands of a Chieftain, when all seemed to be lost..."BELIEVE". Then, you understood Chief was the Humanity's only hope to survive. From this ending, i understood that the Spartans are a group of veterans joking and babbling like kids, the UNSC is more powerful than ever before, and the Chief is a useless piece of metal, old and sad, while the new promising Spartans are the only hope the mankind have.
  14. I personally felt really sad when Johnson died, Cortana said "i'm sorry Chief" and he just moved his hand. I understood that he was sad, even without Bungie showing a piece of his face, or a tear. He just clenched his fist. Surprise surprise, we knew he had emotions.
  15. Absolutely improbable. Didact HATES humans. He fought them for millennia, millions were dead, and he being the last of the Forerunners while Humans are again in forces, suggests me that "probably" he is angry a tad at humans...
  16. You should've bought the Console Edition. Maybe 343 will put it available on the Marketplace...maybe.... But that's not a great loss, in my opinion. It's horrible.
  17. I bet it. Bungie created the Halo Universe. But yeah, i hope too we will see more of 'Mdama in Halo 5. Yes, he is already in S-Ops, but i'd rather fight him in Campaign.
  18. Yeah, it seems to be a Reverence-class, being 3 km long vs the 1.8 km of a normal CCS. Whooooohooo! Ok, second question: (i hope this is not a spoiler for you) Do you think that, at the end of the game, the Didact is still alive? We saw him precipitate in a vortex of undefined energy, but in the Epilogue he says "...i stand here, in front of you...." (or something like that). So i presume he's still alive. Do you? If so, can you guess where is he now?
  19. Nope. Firefight was a continuous challenge, where you were encouraged to repeat the mission to increase your score. Thing that i couldn't see in here. But S-Ops continues the story and it seems to be interesting, and that's why i play it. The only reason, probably There i can see we both share the same opinion. And i dislike Lasky's characterization too. I loved FUD, even my mum asked to see it when she saw me watching an episode, but here Lasky seems to be emotionless. To everything.
  20. *sighs* Why do i always have to recite the same part in every discussion? Oh, well, i will be the most hated member on this forum, lol No, it's not the best Halo ever. Maybe it's the best game you ever played, and i'm happy about it. Two main reasons it's not the best Halo installment so far: 1-Very poor characterizations of secondary characters: beside MC and Cortana, i found little-to-no feeling with Lasky, Del Rio, Palmer, the S-IVs. No connection with the others Halos, like Hood, Vadam, Rtas, and the poor Johnson. Last but not least, the Covenants-Storm seems like to be placed there just to make an appearance; no explaination why are they there, what is their purpose, who is their commander, how they managed to be there. There is just a terminal, where we can see 'Mdama saying they're there because they found the coordinates of Requiem. I read Glasslands, so i know everything. But it would've been great if we had a deepening of the Sangheili Civil war. I miss Rtas 'Vadum. 2-Poor importance given to the awaking of the Didact. We all (should) know who is he, how important is, or better was, his role. I mean, he is probably the main antagonist of the next trilogy: we do awake him in a few seconds! Then he comes down from a flower, he "wears" his armor, and then try to kill everyone. The dialogue is so fast that i had to listen to it a couple times before i could understand it! This is just my mere opinion. I like it as a story evolution, as a multiplayer competitive game, as a sequel to Halo 3. As i like to say: "It's a step, maybe uncertain, to perfection."
  21. You want me to stop? Good. But next time, before offending someone, count to ten. It helps, trust me. I'm stopping right here. /OT
  22. It actually remembers me of Halo 3 more than Reach. I feel a free gameplay, without camping spots and useless areas where nobody goes. It's a great gameplay. The only thing i'm missing is the weapons' spawn points. Or maybe not...i dunno. lol
  23. And it was all pacific, until you said "I think being a fan of the game and playing CE when I was 13 years old, now I'm 24 still playing Halo should be more than enough to be a "fan"." Describe the sense of this phrase, and how it fits with the rest of the thread. Your point is invalid, and before posting nonesense and go blind rage and offend me, thing that i didn't do to you, think at what you're writing, because you said i "disliked the ending because it didn't gave me a cliffhanger". Which is absolutely false, because i said "I too have a problem with the legendary ending. And it's not Chief's face. It's the Legendary ending." Those were my first words, where i described the problem. Did i said the ending sucks? I didn't. I said the Legendary ending sucks. Because it doesn't leave me with a cliffhanger. The normal ending does, and i like it. Can you understand the difference? The normal one, where i asked myself the same questions you pointed out, is good, and the Legendary one isn't? And stop it, please. Don't try to accuse me of offending your opinion, when i never did. I'm not born yesterday, you know. Read again our discussion, please. P.S. As this continues to be an open Community Forum, threads are made to discuss, not only with the maker, but with everyone.
  24. I offended you? Blind rage? Openly attacking? "I think being a fan of the game and playing CE when I was 13 years old, now I'm 24 still playing Halo should be more than enough to be a "fan"" You said this, when i never said you weren't a fan. You asked me "TELL ME how they could've given you more shock and awe. More bang for your buck." (and if you don't remember just read again your post), and i answered with my opnions, without offending anyone. The you said "i'm playing since i was etcetera", wich doesn't fit anywhere in my post. An individual of my caliber? Pfffffffft. I should actually be offended, as YOU openly did it with your last phrase. So please, stop it. And by the way, i too asked myself the same three questions you marked, but BEFORE watching the Legendary ending. It only extends the normal one with Chief's eyes. And i was disappointed for this, not the normal one, which i think is a great ending. So your point is invalid. EDIT: Have you seen "King Liamidas' " post? That is how to post a good reply. Learn from him.
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