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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Yeah, i know, but...especially in this period, new memebers are for the majority disappointed players that just want to insult 343i with nonesense. Mmmm... Yes, maybe 60 is okay.
  2. Yes, this would be a great addition to the gameplay, imo. And this could be used also for space maps, like, if you want, you can take a Broadsword or a Pelican and go out and fight against others...maybe like Star Wars Battlefront, with two ships of the UNSC engaging battle and you can board one or just fight in the space.... *dream*
  3. Wait, what? Absolutely not. The Librarian is a Lifeworker, wich is above the Didact rate, Warrior-Servant. Both are lower in rank to the Miners and Builders. The second part is unclear, you have to adjust your grammar. Prometheans were Forerunners, wich at the end of the war with the Flood were mutated into AI (immune to the infection), the Knights you fight in the game. When the didact realised his forces were not sufficient, he too composed humans into AI. So, the knights you fight in the game are both Forerunners and Humans. San Shyuum were not Covenant. This is an alliance formed in the "after-array" galaxy. Again, no. The Forerunners were not conscious about the existance of the Flood. They attached Humans because they thought they were invading their territory, instead of running safely away from the infection. No. He didn't create the Composer, he just used it against humans to have a new army of Knights, and then he tried to use it on Earth to prevent the human supremacy of the galaxy. It doesn't disintegrate them, it turns them into AI. Not at all. The Prophet asked the Dreadnought's oracle why there were so many Forerunners' artifacts on Human's planets, and the oracle (wich was a sliver of the original Mendicant Bias) said "his makers are his masters, he served his makers, his makers are the humans, he would conduct his makers safely to the ark." So, the Prophets kept this secret to not destroy the basis of the Covenant, and decided to genocide the Humans. Ufff, please correct your grammar, i had to read it three times before i could get it.
  4. Good idea. But let's put the cap at 200 posts, when you're "trusted". At that point, it's hardly probable that someone would start a topic like that. The main problem is not the beta, the feedback and whatever. The real "problem" is that this is not Bungie's Halo. This is 343industries' Halo. It's another style. You don't like it? Maybe because there is a playlist/weapon that you think is useless? Then just discuss and send a peaceful feedback to them. You hate it, because the campaign evolved a way you don't like? Deal with it. It's 343i now. I personally like the campaign, but there are a few aspects that i hope they will improve. (i'll make a review in a few time)
  5. Indeed. But if they make some underwater maps, they should limitate them underwater. A mix of earth and water maps would be terrible. Can you imagine a sniper, hiding in water, shooting at those on the surface?
  6. So? If you don't know what to say, just don't try to derail from the discussion. I've already heard the same thing from the "making of". I see him as John from Reach, Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra-117. But this doesn't imply that as a Legendary ending we have to see his eyes. I mean, you can like to see his face or not. I don't care (beside that we haven't seen his whole face). I wanted something that can leave me with a desire to buy Halo 5, to know what happened after. This way, i'm not sure if i will buy it. Because if it starts to get out every year like a certain serie we all know, then i'd probably stop here. But i can see S-Ops is getting interesting.
  7. I return here after a month, and i find this site invaded by crying kids and trolls. We need like a, huh....Return of the Mods. "It's a dark era..."

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. SternuS



      So how ya'll doing guys?

    3. Azaxx


      Im doing great SternuS!

    4. SternuS


      I'm doing great too! Awesome! But what about NOVA and Vitamin PWN?

  8. The connection with the books is one of the best things 343 could've ever done. How they could've given me more shock and awe? Seriously? Mmh, i have no ideas...showing how did the Didact survived (because he survived), or where is he? Or what did the Covies...pardon, the Storm, after the defeat of the Didact? Jul 'Mdama anyone? And many others ideas... Seriously, do you really care this much for Chief's face? I mean, if you read the books, you can have an idea of what he should look like. But putting it as the Legendary ending? No no no.
  9. Completely agree. I left this forum about a month ago, and it was so quiet and enjoyable, that i don't recognized it no more now. I can see topics like "You're all so needy", which represents the fanbase Halo is growing. There are fanboys and haters. Members who joined just to make a single post and say "343 did a great job, Halo 4 is the best Halo ever made", on which we could discuss a little bit, or "H4 sucks, because Cortana died/we saw his eyes/ and bla bla bla". Remember the good ol' discussions about Forerunners' history, or "Prometheans have Human faces"?
  10. I too have a problem with the legendary ending. And it's not Chief's face. It's the Legendary ending. Halo 1: Johnson hugs an elite, something that makes me laugh even now. Halo 2: No Legendary ending, but who needs it? We already have a cliffhanger. Halo 3: The first appearence of the Forerunner planet. This is the best game ending i've ever seen. (skip ODST wich is only a glimpse of Thruth and the Engineers under NM) Halo 4: Chief's eyes. I mean, what the hell. Should i be surprised? Astounded? Who cares so much about MC face, to put it as the Legendary ending? Disappointing, 343i. I expect better from you.
  11. Mh. Halo 1 Armors, Vehicles and Weapons are already in Halo 4. And for God's sake no more AA! And surely not those you mentioned, it would ruin the whole Multy experience, wich i'm gladly enjoying. Playable Brutes? Not in my opinion, i mean, it's nonsense. Forerunner armor would be awesome, but i'm sure they're putting it in H5. Also Firefight's return would be great, or just put S-Ops available to everyone (i'm not saying free, i'm saying available). Underwater maps, well that's an interesting idea, but...no swimming.
  12. Whoa, so you won't play the game no more just because Cortana "died"? What were you thinking at when in every single "Making of" 343i made it was said that "The real plot of this game is that MC is human, Cortana is going rampancy and bla bla bla..."? I bet you thought "They will save Cortana with the magic of love and she and the Chief will marry and live long and prosper". But don't cry. Cortana is not dead. Actually, i thought they would have shown some hint in the Legendary ending where we see a glimpse of Cortana being still alive. Instead of the very, very, very disappointing ending they made. Showing the eyes of John. What a surprising and interesting cliffhanger! I bet you hate ME3 ending too. "Shepard dies, it sucks!"
  13. So, first question: In the first episode of S-Ops, the Infinity literally pas through a Covenant ship (ZOMG moment), but precisely....WHAT kinda ship? I'd rather think it's a CCS-class, but if you look closely, the others cruisers (logic says that they would be the same size as the rammed one) are waaaay smaller than that one...so? And it's not a prospective trick, that Cruiser is HUGE!
  14. Hey, remember when i told ya i'd be down aruond 11/6 to evade spoilers? Well, i'm back babies. And i have a ton of questions for you.

  15. Ah, finally an answer to that strange ship wich made me mad. Nice job adam!
  16. three years...so Jul became Shipmaster at the end of the Thursday war, i suppose
  17. That Jul Mdama terminal was astounding

  18. REAL MEN WEAR PINK! Support Breast Cancer Awareness month!

  19. Brilliant idea. I will proudly wear pink this month! But i'd like to do more.
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