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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Well, what do we have here? Ryu, please...let's show at this bunch of newbies how to rule a forum.
  2. NOOoooooooouuuuu! Shame on me, master!...punish me, but i won't change my opinion!
  3. I...don't think i offended anyone? *claps hands to Director and Twinreaper* But still i confirm my theory, Halo isn't in need of KC. I had fun on Halo 3 way more than on Reach, and it had no KC. And players understood their errors, campers were killed, and everything went good.
  4. * ahem, Frankie announced Halo 4 is finished a couple days ago. He can complain, he will do nothing at all at the game. ...and maybe you meant: "COD 4 is one of the greatest multiplayer COD games ever"
  5. NNNNAAARGH! *swish-stab* STAY AWAY INFIDEL! Master, i fell in a valley of shame, i need your help!
  6. Actually, you're wrong. Pretending to use a sniper in Halo like it should be used in real warfare, that's wrong. No-scoping, running and praying, that's how to use a sniper in Halo. lol
  7. I can't believe it, i missed another retirement. Farewell Biggles. And why can't i see Bullet's profile? Why is he ranked "members"? Strange things going on this site O.o?

    1. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr


      Bullet left too and so did Luke :(

    2. SternuS


      Well, is this a period of sadness?

    3. ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr


      Yeah I think it is :'( lol

  8. WRONG. Halo is not the real world. Not even close. If you wanna play a somewhat real-warfare game, play BF. Halo style is like CoD style. (runnin' and jumpin' around...)
  9. Why do Zag think this is not a nice day?

  10. Ryu saw things, that we mortal cannot even imagine...
  11. Top 10? 1-LOTR 2-Jurassic Park 1 3-Star Wars Old Saga 4-The Avengers 5-Indiana Jones 1-2-3 6-Blade Runner 7-The Gladiator 8-Young Frankenstein 9-Some Like it Hot 10-Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome
  12. I completely agree to this choice. If i could, i would have surely voted it. Congrats!
  13. Hey, this will bring us more CoD (and BF) players! They'll be like: "Look, now Halo haz killcamz! Let's make some request for a throwing knife!" Because Halo needed it. A lot. Sure.
  14. Your attempt to assume control of this thread is...futile. Ryu
  15. You bet right! So, what now? Should we start the Total Conquest of the forum...again? Mwahahaha!
  16. As you wish! Master! Reunite our powaaaa!
  17. The first scene is this er...Engineer, with a spaceship leaving the surface of this planet, that drinks this strange black liquid, then you see the cells being disrupted, he dies and falls in the water, and from it's dead cells the life starts evolving, with the mitosis spreading everywhere. It means, that dead alien gave us life. This is obviously taken by the Greek myth of Prometheus. It's likely unknown where they come from. And...who knows? Maybe they thought a biological weapon was better than a chemical one. Yes, and...?
  18. We couldn't expect anything better than this from Ridley Scott, could we? Spectacular story, screenplay and special effects, this managed to be one of the most amazing movies i've seen this year...so far. But it's not only a matter of stunning scenes. There are a lot of aspects that personally i'm not enough smart to understand. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////SPOILER ALERT! ALERT!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ I'd really like to discuss this with you, because i think this is a movie with a deep intricate meaning, that i still can't manage to catch. Please, leave your thoughts and opinions and theories below, because i'm really interested to understand this.
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