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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Oh, it does completely the trick! I respect this game, it definitely has not an happy ending, thus mixing a good story with a good characterization of the protagonists, and you can play it as many times as you like without getting bored. I'm sure Riptide will be the same, and better.
  2. weren't they developing an MMORPG for PC? This was an old info, but the last i've heard...
  3. Ahahahahah, very funny. And very sad Nice video, but it explained nothing of what we'll going to do in the game. Disappointing.
  4. That Twam entry for the Logo comp. made my day. We have a really funny Admin.

  5. Bow before me, for i am salvation.

  6. Ah, so this is the way it has to end. I am tired. I am old. I will be no longer able to fight. But, for the safety of this kingdom, i shall resist. I challenge you, infidel, you that will post next, and if my Master will come here and lend me a hand, we can repel this invasion! For the glory!
  7. I think.....i think i.... just got the moves like jagger...

  8. Some say, he is an alien being from a galaxy far far away. Some say, "when you know Twam, you know everything".
  9. at the church, it's very...suggestive. I wish i could post some photos too, i made an awesome medieval knight, but then a surprise format caught me
  10. Yes, you confused with Jun. Fate unknown, though is most likely dead.
  11. The title makes totally nonsense, as stated by the Mods. I prefer the Plasma Rifle in H3 and the Human Sniper in HR. But this doesn't make me an "Elite" player. Lock, or change title.
  12. Ahahahaha! Amazing! I absolutely wanna take a ride in that Hog!
  13. Oh, well, i'll probably... HIDE MY KIDS, GRAB MY WIFE, BETTER GET OUTA SIGHT! WHO DO YOU VOODOO? No, seriously, i would grab my brother's machetes, kill him (it doesn't necessarily have to be a zombie), and go smash every zombie i see. Thus, i will gather some friends, transform them in zombies, and then...I HAVE A ZOMBIE ARMY, YOU CAN'T HARM ME!
  14. I've never heard of it so far, but considering that many people are using the 3D technology nowadays, i bet they'll make it compatible.
  15. 1- How in the name of God does this fit in the Halo Universe? 2- No, 343 recognized Chief as a Reclaimer not for it's humanoid form, wich doesn't even make sense, but because the Forerunners decided the Humans would become the Reclaimers. Of what and how i don't know. Read Cryptum and Primordium.
  16. Nooooooo! I embraced the dark side!...are you happy now? And where are those cookies i've heard 'bout...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zaguroth


      Cookies? The cookies are in your browser, go to google, and type in cookies for actual cookies o_O



      Only the weak chose sides. The strong stand alone and do not need "sides".

    4. SternuS


      I mean REAL cookies! And i didn't choose a side, i just fell into the Dark!

  17. No Locusts like the Old Locusts. Can't wait for that game. Also because, when i play GoW, i always invite two or three mates to a pizza party.
  18. Naaaaaargh, another behind the scenes! ...MUST...NOT...SEE...! I can do that...i know i can resist...nnnnnghhh!

  19. Wait, WHAT? 6 Days for Borderlands 2? Jeez, time is FLYING!

    1. Zaguroth


      I'm getting it too o_O_o_O, can't wait for the mechromancer DLC... really wanna play that one lol

    2. SternuS


      Me too. Probably i'll go with Gunzerker, Mechromancer, Commando, Assassin and Siren. First two simoultaneously, then the others.

  20. A member once criticized Twam. Once.
  21. It's useless. It's a decoration, and i dislike it. At first i liked it, but now it seems too much fantasy. Way better the Recruit.
  22. Every episode on Waypoint, then on my 360 with LE in italian with all my family.
  23. I don't really see the reason of all this religious debates. I'm Roman Catholic, and my best friend is a Muslim. Religion doesn't necessarily describe a person.

  24. From the 1.1 to the 1.5, every time re-starting the game, and it crashes twice? I now understand why M&M Heroes VI is not that popular...

    1. SternuS


      Oh, wait...FOUR TIMES! C'mon, i'm going to install the V and play it, 'cause it is still awesome


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