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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. I hope they are both. Using the Falcon in an air to air combat is senseless, it's a support aircraft.
  2. i like the scar thing. But i don't really want to see his face.
  3. If you like to have your own color, Free For All is the answer. Too much confusion using your colors in a team slayer. You have to identify your allies.
  4. Because it isn't the final boss. Tartarus was the final boss in Halo 2. Halo 3 ends with the race that we all love. And, btw, i think a Halo game should never end with a boss fight. It reminds me of Street Fighter saga, wich i hated (not the game, the final boss).
  5. Fight a Balrog...and that "Old awesome wizard" description is the best i've seen so far WYR join the navy...yes, you can sail the seven seas....yes, you can put your mind at ease...ehm ehm, i'm sorry, or WYR join the army...no song for that.
  6. Uhm, i'm sorry i spoiled you everything, but i don't know how to warn you better, lol! Yes, it's at the end of Primordium, 343 (Chakas) is talking to a group of ONI's officers and some Unnamed Vessel techincians. Silentium, which i think is an ugly name.
  7. Ahah, yeah, it would be a great ending! I can't wait anymore...
  8. Ok, 6 days without the interwebz are sooo long....or are they 4? Anyway, i'm back.

  9. Wow, congrats Choot!! You deserve this completely! Keep on with the great, great work!
  10. Um...i'm having some problems with my Windows, so i won't be active for a few days...i hope.

  11. alone with my brother...i think this should be...PIZZA TIME!

  12. Mh, yes, it can be. Anyway, that fleet of Halcyon-class cruisers is...amazing. I'm now more convinced that Spark will be back. And it also seems that there's some clash between Chief and Del Rio.
  13. Nope, i've just read the book. It's funny, a good author. And the Alps obviously were before, i was just putting some suspence, lol! What is the tactic of, not sure if term is correct, "temporize"? Who used it against Hannibal?
  14. I actually think it's in Cryptum...but not sure.
  15. Hannibal Barca. Great Commander, isn't he? Nonetheless, he wasn't able to defeat the Romans. But why? He managed to knocks at the doors of Rome, and after a victorious campaign, after he loss half his army to traverse the Alps, he stopped right there. Why? This is a question that i can't actually answer. Also, when the Romans armies were struggling in Spain, and the Senate sent the two older Scipio to regain the peninsula, were they able to keep Hispania under the Roman's control? Or maybe it was the son and nephew of those two generals? Who was this son? Why is he recognized as "the African"?
  16. Well, you see, the books are not connected to the game, yet. Only a few things, wich aren't even confirmed. I mean, the books probably EXPLAIN what we will see in the game, but there's no succession of events. We can imagine that the Didact will be in the game only for the "An ancient evil awakens" thing at the end of the E3 video.
  17. ...i will not comment on that games>books thing. Just this: if the books weren't canon, what should we know about the Halo Universe? Think about it. Try to make logical connections between the games, without reading the books. Anyway: 343 Guilty Spark, the Monitor of Installation 04, is....DEAD. *thunders and lightnings* 343 Guilty Spark, the original one, wich basically is ////////SPOILERS\\\\\\\\ Chakas, it's still alive, and at the end of Primordium we know that he has taken controll of a Human vessel, a scientific one. Now, we can analyze the informations received from that last chapter: -we don't know it's name. It might actually not be the Infinity. -it is said that the vessel broke the formation with the fleet, departing from it's original destination. (note: FLEET) -the Captain (unknown) was talking to him. (so, he knew 343 would take command of the ship?) -343 stated that "one of my incarnations gave you problems..." or something like that. "One of my". Take your conclusions.
  18. So sad. I'll go with EOD, it reminds me of a StormTrooper.
  19. Also Halo 1, 2 and ODST. Not sure if O'Donnell directed also Wars, but that was amazing too.
  20. Wait a sec... where does that Forge World section comes from? lol

  21. I suppose most of the H3 helmest will be back, just re-designed. Security may actually be the Operator. I just hope they'll bring back the Hayabusa set. It was just awesome.
  22. Finally! You both deserve this all!
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