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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Ok, Victory, should we start? The summary of the most summarious summary you can ever find (lol): At first, there were the Precursors, wich created Forerunners and Humans. *missing info* The Forerunners rebelled, and fought the Precursors leading them to the boarders of the Galaxy. Flood appeared, infected the Humans' colonies. They sought protection in the Forerunners' territory. Human-Forerunner war started. Forerunners won (Humans had to fight between two fronts, and their allies San 'Shyuum betrayed them), de-evoluted Humans, encountered the Flood. Forerunner-Flood war. Flood won. *missing information->Silentium* Halo array fired. Protagonists: -Bornstellar makes eternal lasting: will eventually inherit the Didact imprint and role, - UR-Didact: husband of the Librarian, Commander in Chief of the Forerunners Armies, - Librarian: wife of the Didact, many things (Human "code", or imprint with Ancient Important Humans memories, transformed the Halos in little "arks") -Chakas and Riser: two humans that will be in the middle of the Forerunner civil confilct, Chakas will eventually become 343. -Master Builder: built the Halos, tried (sometimes, succesfully) to use them against the Humans, is believed dead. - Primordial: at the end of Primordium, it is revealed that he is a Gravemind of Precursors. He talked first with the Humans, some suicided then they decided to put him in "stasis". Then the Forerunners accidentally freed him, put Mendicant Bias to interrogate him, Bias went crazy and fired 5 (at the beginning there were 12 Halos) Halo rings on the Forerunner world. (Does this means all the Precursors were Flood?) I omitted many, many, many things (oh, so many), but you asked a sum... (I understand you hate Greg, but you should at least read the final battle in Cryptum, it's sooooooo epic... )
  2. Fifty-fifty. No orchestra will ever boost me again like O'Donnell and Salvatori did. That was just...amazing. I can't find any word to describe it. Goosebumps. However, Davidge made a good job, in my opinion, so far. It's a soundtracks wich fits exactly the new Halo spirit: discovery, surprise, arise. The O'Donnell headed to a more sad, hopeless situation, with the Covenant going to erase the Human race. Conclusion: It will never be at the same level of O'Donnell, but it's enough epic. Approved.
  3. Who knows? maybe they'll see the uprising pro-dual wielding, and they'll put it in Halo 5. It's clearly too late for Halo 4, they should re-build all the scripts (and all the programming stuff i don't know ) and re-calibrate every weapon, and it is just unconceivable.
  4. Hm, yes and not. It was funny to go berserker mode and run against your enemies shooting with your SMGs, careless of dying. However, in a realistic war, you prefer precision to firepower, hiding behind a wall, maybe offering suppression fire. You simply don't throw your life away only to get some kills, lol!
  5. Well, also Halo Wars should be on that list. It may be unconfortable to play, it may be not as tactical as PC RTS, but it defined the RTS for consolle, and it sold a lot.
  6. You're not the only one What thesis? Anyway, the Chief's armor is made of nanobots, so it's logical to make it change/upgrade, which is a good thing that 343i made.
  7. There must be some kinda way out of here, said the Joker to the Thief...There's too much confusion, i can't get no relief...

  8. Mh. This would suggest that the Storm faction was a section of the Particular Justice fleet. It might be. It's valid, but there is no apparent reason to change color at an armor. I mean, the "storm" faction is ok, new armor new color. The problem is with the Reach armor. But whatever, i'm fine with that.
  9. Gosh, i remember it as like as it was yesterday. Halo 3 beta. When my brother came home ans asked "What is that" and i "the BETA!!" and everyone was like AWWWWW YEAAAAHH...lol

  10. At first, looking at the profile picture, i thought he was the BOT. lol. The only armor set i dislike is the Zealot. It looks like a Spec-Ops from Reach, plus it's red. Since Halo 1, Zealots wore golden armor. They were cool, tactical. But hey, if this is another "Section" of the Covies, who cares?
  11. Meh, never tried it. Some say it is good, some say it's awesome, some say is boring. But Red Dead Redemption was...IS an extremely well done game. I almost prefere it to GTA. After a while, it's boring. RDR has always something to show you, that you haven't noticed before.
  12. Twam is behind you....ALWAYS.
  13. Why Halo Reach is not on that list? Go at 4:49 ...
  14. No no, i'm not angry with you, friend. I'm angry with 343i. And yes, also Forge is funny...but it get boring after a while, in my opinion. Firefight is....WAS way better.
  15. Er...this is not the Official 343i Forum, you can try at halo.xbox.com But i'm with you, the areas in the Forge World are limited to themselfs, all your imagination is limited to those areas. Not that i use Forge alot, though.
  16. You guys at the Logo submissions are very, very, very good! You must teach me how to do those things, lol!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Dont count in mine, thats my first project using photoshop XD

    3. Donut
    4. SternuS


      Really! They're awesome!

  17. Whoa. I've never seen an Hurricane for real...just on YouTube. I don't know what would i do if an Hurricane would strike at my home...i'm literally terrorized just by looking at them on TV. Well, good luck everyone who is in the path of that...thing. Stay safe! May God protect you!
  18. Training. A piece of the Halo 4 multiplayer is called "War Games". The "RedvsBlue" is funny, but i don't think it's canon... maybe they inspired Bungie/343i lol
  19. Elephants, exactly. Without them, he would not be able to defeat the romans. Not that he gained such a victory also with their help, though. Now, at the time of the First Punic War: Why did Carthage, with such a powerful navy of 130 "Quinquireme", lost against 120 Romans warships (Romans aren't renown for their ability at fighting on the sea)
  20. Halo Reach and Anniversary should probably be there. But you know who does IGN prefere. Xbox would not even exist without Halo.
  21. What do you mean? Why it ruined our fun? Because we don't have all Gold accounts. I don't play too much online, and nor my brothers do. So, we keep only one account to get all the DLCs and stuff. Why should we pay 60€ every year for keeping an account that we almost never use? So, we were having fun playing the Firefight mode. Is that a problem? Maybe they don't get enough money from the game and future DLCs?
  22. Also these battles, but there is one particular defeat, wich cost a lot also for the enemy, a certain king of Epirus and Macedon... -Same questions-
  23. This was obvious...and really disappointing. Hey, Halo can offer a wide gameplay fun without using the Gold account! Firefight, Forge, Theatre... But then 343i came in and said "hey, wanna have fun? We're taking off the Firefight, so go buy that Gold account or GTFO" Well, congratulations, you won. Now i will buy that damn Gold, are you happy now? You just ruined hours and hours of fun with my brother and friends. Thanks a lot. 343i rating: from 9.0 to 6.5.
  24. Ok, here's what IGN recently posted: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/08/27/the-top-25-xbox-360-games-3 We can see only two games from the Halo franchise: Halo 3: ODST, wich is #20 ; Halo 3, wich is #13. This time, i'm likely of the same opinion...for the verdict. Halo 3: ODST got a 9.0, and Halo 3 a 9.5, wich are both great verdicts. I don't care if CoD 4 is ahead on that list, also because in my opinion it is the best CoD game so far, and i agree with most of the things said in the review made on Halo 3. So, do you think Halo deserved a more important role on that list? Obviously. Thoughts?
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