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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Probably he means, wich is a proper question, why were the Humans the only capable of firing the Rings? Well, i honestly don't remember if it is written in Cryptum or Primordium...actually i don't think it is mentioned anywhere. Probably the Forerunners, when discovered that the Humans would have been "tested" 100,000 years ahead, they made the Humans capable of destroy again the Flood, if they failed to do that before. I don't know, it is just my opinion...hope everything will be explained in Silentium. Actually the Primordial was a Gravemind of Precursors, wich means many Precursors in a single body, forming a Gravemind. It doesn't necessarily means that Precursors=Flood, indeed.
  2. Before the First Punic War, what is one of the most famous defeat of the Roman army? Why did they lose? How is the victory called?
  3. I had the same exact dream of adamj, but before my brother broke it, i discovered its only language was chinese... °o°

  4. Ab Urbe condita. What does it means? What is the Urbe?
  5. Actually, at the beginning they were both capable of taking the Mantle. But then, for a reason we don't know, 'cause it isn't written in any book, the Forerunners rebelled, showing themselfs inappropriate to keep it. (maybe they were tested and failed) So, the apparently only race to be capable of keeping it were the Ancient Humans.
  6. Argh, an intruder! Alert! Master Ryu, help me!
  7. I understand your consternation, but this is not the 343i OFFICIAL Forum. Try with halo.xbox.com Anyway, good luck with that
  8. Yes, you remember right, the Prophets' world has been obliterated. And this is one of the main reasons the Forerunner imprisoned the Master Builder, for using an Halo without consense of the whole Council. Obvioulsy there were many reasons that made the UNSC trying to protect the Outer colonies, and using them as a defense line against the Covenant is clearly one of the main reasons. But i believe they tried somehow to defend their colonists, maybe for using them as a military resource. Or maybe they didn't want to be remembered as "those who didn't care about their citizens and soldiers, worrying only about their lifes", and stuff like that. Maybe i was a little bit rude, i apologize, but i was only trying to make it clear that we don't have enough knowledge to understand what bruoght the Forerunners to rebel against their creators. It is always a good conversation
  9. Actually, i think that the Forerunners didn't know about the Flood. They would have prepared themselfs for such a terrible enemy. Instead, when the Forerunner-Human war started, they didn't know why were the Humans invading their territory. Only when they defeated them, they understood the Humans were fleeing from the Flood, and when it infested the Forerunners colonies they didn't know how to fight it. Then they discovered the Humans had a "weapon", something to use against the parasite, and that would have stopped it. But they had already de-evoluted them, and while their colonies were falling, they tried to take some flood spores to study them and to understand how could the Humans had fought them. But while they (the Builders and Mendicant Bias) were testing the Halo array on an abbandoned Human World, they discovered something. A living being, a prisoner, that proclaimed himself as the last of the Precursors. Immediately, they put Mendicant Bias to ask him who was him, where he came from, and stuff like this. Probably, they also asked him how could they stop the Flood. But they didn't like the answers. He revealed something to them, something we don't know (probably what was the Flood, or how should the Forerunners end this conflict), that made Mendicant Bias go crazy, like in a rampancy stage. This is why i think they didn't know about the Flood. IF they knew everything, why should they put an advanced AI to ask questions to a so-called Precursor? Why should they fight the Humans, if they knew that MAYBE the Flood was still alive? And the Precursors didn't left the galaxy. They were forced by the Forerunners that rebelled against them to flee away, and the last survivors are hidden in the boarders of the Milky Way. This is what the Primordial One reported. Wich was a Gravemind of Precursors.
  10. Of course i will... We took control of this thread, and if we unite, we can take control of the whole FORUM! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH Do you agree, Master?
  11. You're perfectly right, but you see, also this thread is "stupid", so it matches perfectly So? Iron Man would die, wouldn't he?
  12. Ah, let's say atoms. In enough quantity to wipe out the Sol system.
  13. Well, i think he just pwned you. Magneto can control him, and if not entirely, he would smash the controlled components off his armor, making it useless. Anyway: Iron-Man vs Antimatter
  14. Well, when someone tells you that Halo is copying from CoD, you have to analyze: 1-Is he building up a theory why Halo copied some aspects from CoD? Then you can debate with him, taking inspiration from the posts on this topic or on others or just saying what you think. 2-Is he screaming and yelling like a 6 years old that Halo sucks? Then just ignore him. Why should you talk to someone that won't listen to you even if you're trying to peacfully explain your point of view? Nowadays, i only explain what aspects do Halo and CoD have in common to someone who asks me. My friends, for example. In rare occasions, if someone tells me "Halo blablabla sucks blablabla" (that's usually what i can understand from the screams on the mic) i just shut up him with "You don't like it? I do. Deal with it." Stop.
  15. By your commands, Master! Again, i will thrust you...RYU! (wow, thrust means a lot of things....obviously, i'm using the positive thrust )
  16. I'll gladly play it on PC, but first i need W8, second i'm too attached at the FPS for console...i tried Crysis on PC, and the only thing that pushed me trough the game was the beautiful story. I'm not familiar with the FPS controls on the Qwerty, and it angers me to search for the right button. This is a reason for why i'm supportive to a remake, others are that my Halo 2 disk is really ruined, and i really liked the "new/old" switching thing in Anniversary.
  17. Anyone else noticed the fight scenes that have been changed from the trailer? Like in Ep. 10, the trailer shows us Tex wielding the axe and trying to kill the Leader, but here we can see she almost never wielded it. Only when she threw it to CT.
  18. Oh...maybe they're more realistic, then. But i still don't like them.
  19. Ehm....you should add also: -Contact Harvest -The Cole Protocoll -Silentium -Glasslands -Halo Graphic Novel -The Thursday War
  20. Ok, i don't wanna spoil me anything, so i'm not reading any topics about Halo 4. I've already read too many things, and spoiled more than i expected. When someone is talking about the Achievements and stuff, please put the

    . Thanks.

    1. Zaguroth


      there will be an achievement for finishing the campaign o_O

    2. The Director

      The Director

      Master Chief wears some armor. He also needs a weapon.

    3. SternuS


      Ahahahah. Funny. And what about 8-missions long Campaign? Or WHATEVER? You're free to spoil the entire campaign. I'd rather explore it and discover it on 6/11. Thanks.

  21. "PM me.....when you need me." lol! Anyway, i'd like to participate to a future group! There are a few things i'd like to discuss. Obviously, it's the London +1 time zone for me, so i'm worried it will be complicated. But i'd really like to participate!
  22. I don't know if it's my Xbox or whatever, but i downloaded the Elite armor, flaming helmet, falcon avatar prop with the Gold account and they were available for everyone, as like as Johnson. So, my hope is increasing.
  23. It's generally and theoretically correct, but there are things that need to be explained. The internal strife between the Forerunners wasn't created by wether or not destroy sentient life, but to use Halo ONLY as a last-stand weapon, when the point of no return would have been passed. Builders and Miners voted to use it against the Humans, and the Biologists with the support of the Servant-Warriors (guided by the UR Didact) voted to use it only once, and for ALL (literally). This internal strife eventually seen the victorious Biologists transform Halo into a Shield world, preserving the life catalogized inside of it. UNSC tried to fight the Covenants and protect the Outern Colonies, with the sacrifice of many brave men. The Battle for Harvest, where the entire fleet of Vice-Admiral Preston. J. Cole was wiped out by a small Covenant fleet. They lost because of Covenant technological superiority, but they had never abandoned their colonies. The last part is a good theory, but it is nothing more than that: theory. As i and Victory Element agreed after long discussions, Greg Bear and Bungie/343i offered us yet too little knowledge to fully understand what happened between the Precursors and Forerunners.
  24. I share only one Gold account on the same consolle with my two brothers, but when i download a DLC with that account, like the Extended Ending for ME3, all others profiles can use it. So, it's likely the same thing for this DLC, right? Or is that a code? Because codes are available to only one account.
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