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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Yeah that's also in the interview. Well, i don't know where the cliffhanger should be, but those titles give you an idea of how the game should proceed. Tough they could be not necessarily in order. Suspence. Interesting, those might be some possibilities. Faithless is perfect, but i have some doubts on Haven.
  2. Straight to the point, huh? Live, i wanna live! WYR kill John or kill the Arbiter?
  3. Nice. Let me add this: IGN interview with Neil Davidge: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/08/22/listen-to-the-halo-4-soundtrack-right-now?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social MMmmmmmmh.... wait a sec: 1. Awakening --------------------------> Master Chief awakes from his cryo-sleep. 2. Belly Of The Beast ----------------> Encounter with the Covenants on the FUD. 3. Requiem ----------------------------> Landing on Requiem. 4. Legacy ----------------------------> Why are the Covenant fighting Humanity. 5. Faithless ----------------------------> ? (Master Chief discovers he's the only Human being on that planet?) 6. Nemesis ----------------------------> Encounter with the Forerunners and Promethean knights. 7. Haven -------------------------------> ? 8. Ascendancy ------------------------> ? 9. Solace -------------------------------> ? 10. To Galaxy --------------------------> A mission with the Cyclop. 11. Immaterial --------------------------> ? 12. 117 ----------------------------------> Master Chief faces the Didact ? 13. Arrival -------------------------------> UNSC Infinity lands on Requiem 14. Revival ------------------------------> Someone revives the Didact. 15. Green And Blue -------------------> Master Chief familiarization with the S-IV. Any thoughts?
  4. Yeah, those sounds were awesome. Assault Rifle, Magnum, the Warthog turret, i can't really understand why they've been so reduced. Shooting with the MA5C in Halo 3 is like shooting with a Pop-Corn dispenser. And there are many other weapons like that. And if you play BF3 and you shoot with the M239, that's the sound. High, louder than everything, you can't understand anything while you're suppressing. Maybe they're scared to hurt some kid ears...
  5. Indeed it is a good deal, for 70 €! But Halo 3 had 3 map packs: Heroic, Legendary and Mythic.
  6. Hey, i live in Europe too, but that doesn't mean i don't wanna nuke it Limited Edition, as i've already pre-ordered! WYR revive Johnson or Cpt. J.Keyes?
  7. Once, in an interview with Waypoint, he stated "this part is actually going to be at 1/3 of the game" or something like that.
  8. SternuS

    The SAW

    I think it's balanced. The magazine is really small for it's fire-rate. It's not really like an LMG, it carries less ammos. You can't use it for suppression fire, you have to make every shot count.
  9. We MUST learn about this in Halo 4. It's called the Reclaimer trilogy, isn't it? There's must be a connection between the Reclaimer trilogy and the Forerunner trilogy.
  10. "- Xbox Live Avatar "Recruit" Armour " and the second one, where did you see that?
  11. Correction: My brother just bought Dead Island GOTY. Seems f###### awesome.

  12. Where did you find that image? Anyway, i don't remember if it is said that the UR-Didact is dead... the ships are really similar, but they're a bit too far away to recognise them. Yeah, that makes sense, being a Forerunner shield-world it is supposed to contain Forerunners. Actually, i can't understand why i didn't thought this before, lol! Mmh, they're too far away positioned from the main structure. I would assume that they're ships.
  13. My only concern is that 343i would spent too much time creating an AI system that requires complicated orders and situations, putting less attention to the story or bugs fixing.
  14. Of course! I actually get goosebumps by just hearing the soundtrack playin'! But also the final level in Halo 2 when you're the Chief is pretty much cool, with all the Covies and Flood fighting, and you must run between the crossing fire to get into the Dreadnought!
  15. Nice. Let's discuss: 1-Agreed, let's focus on the known Universe; 2-Indeed they wouldn't expect a rebellion....for a reason we still don't know. But, if i was a Precursor that created a Forerunner, couldn't i possibly destroy it as like as i gave an existance to it? 3-Mmh. The theory of the life pre-Precursors is not clear enough to me. I mean, it's all supposed. The Primordial said the Humans would be tested by Flood, but he hasn't confirmed that Precursors are Floods. Although being itself a Gravemind composed by Precursors. 4-And this suggests me another question: why should they give the Mantle to others? I mean, they're capable of keeping it, why should they leave it to another inferior race? (i agree with that rebelled/tested thing) 5-I would say it's quite a gap, isn't it? It's the Focus point of everything. I HOPE Greg knows what he's doing. 6-The Mantle isn't referred only to those two races (as i remember, maybe i'm wrong). So they created all the animals and plants? 7-They could have also ran out from the entire Universe, i don't care. What i ask, as stated before, is "was the retreat the only way to survive? Couldn't they possibly destroy the Forerunners, or at least have a truce with them?" There's still that gap... 8- To answer this question, i have read again the last chapter of Primordium (obviously the italian version, so it's me trying to translate). The few hints that the Primordial gives are these: when the Didact asks him if he was the last of the Precursors, he said: "The last of this kind". This kind. Another one: "We, the Flood, the same thing". Is he saying that Precursors and Flood are the same? Or is he talking as a Gravemind of Precursors? Wich is different: the first means obviously that ALL the Precursors were Flood, the second means that only the Precursors that are composing his body are Flood (wich is true). It's too vague. There is no assertion, no objective description. Just hints. I won't agree that Precursors are Flood, until it is clearly said. Ah, we must admit that Greg Bears is giving us something to discuss for a long period, isn't him?
  16. My brother just bought Lost Island. Seems nice.

  17. I can assure you, if you read my posts, that no one said it. NO ONE. Nor the Author, nor Halsey, nor Mendez, nor any S-II or S-III.
  18. Yeah, you're right. Maybe i remembered it different because i always looked at them from outside the cockpit. Sorry for this little /OT
  19. Yep, as i'm repeating, we still don't know enough to make suggestions. 6th November, you're sooo far away.
  20. Basically, the difference between augmentations in S-II and S-III is this: Carbide Ceramic Ossification. That, and something else i don't remember. Did you ever wonder why S-III are not as tall as S-II? Because of that. They don't have Ceramic ossification. Or, if they have it, it is in a lower quantity. Kurt said that the Gamma Company was the most superior Spartans III. There are no Spartans superior in strenght, efficiency and combat experience than the Second Generation. "they would be cheaper to arm, train, and produce; being chosen from a wider pool of candidates, they would also be more numerous than their SPARTAN-II predecessors. They would rely on superior battle tactics, teamwork and sheer numbers rather than advanced technology, special augumentation, and equipment, to achieve their effectiveness." Halo Nation. Oh, and i can assure you, in Glasslands no one said that. I know this, because i've finished it yesterday. (as i said, i have to wait three months for the italian version to come, so...)
  21. Opening a little OT: Why is that armor being different from the Pilot armor in Halo 3? I mean, there is no apparent reason to change it. /OT
  22. Hey, don't worry, i'm not offended It's good, for the reason you said. If it isn't too long, i would suggest you that. BUT, as i said before, a member is not respected for it's "unique" title. It's respected and/or admired for it's personality. Funny members are funny, with or without a funny title.
  23. Ha, so you don't trust me anymore, huh? But i still trust you. Ryu!
  24. It is possible, or maybe he's just acting as a supervisor. Or, maybe, it's not a Cryptum.
  25. Yes, it would be really cool. I hope you'll encounter them. I really hoped that in co-op, the second player was a S-IV. But, Obviously, you should do a half or more game being two Master Chief and the little rest like a S-IV. Obviously, it would be ridiculous. Hope for Halo 5. lol.
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