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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. I hope not. The most iconic, to those who've played it, it's the first race ending, the Combat Evolved ending. The Halo 3 ending is just a tribute to the first ending. It's like if they wanted to say: "Look, how it started, now it ends." I really liked both of them. But another ending like that would be repeating. At least, in Halo 4. I agree with Rapid Ardent, the Epic finale must be at the end of Halo 6.
  2. OMG! I have 3,462 profile views! How did it happen? Are you spying me? Go away!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Ive been here since last august and 11000 works for me.

    3. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Lol I'm just shy of that. Like 3300 or something.

    4. Azaxx


      Wow really Bullet?! I would expect a senior member like you being at least 10'000!

  3. "V" ? "Trough Victory" ? "True Victory"? "The only Element" ? But don't worry too much about the title. If you are a good member, you can prove it trough your posts. I can see you're a good member, you explain your theories well and you never spam. You should look at the title like a "decoration", not really something fundamental.
  4. I must quote Red Star Rocket, he said everything i wanted to say. And i agree with Ryu, no one would use it. Admit it, when you have a shotgun, do you care about marines? But, perhaps, a better AI would be nice. No need to give orders, just upgrade them. Since Reach, i don't trust anyone to be the driver...too many bad jokes. (Kat, why? why?)
  5. Yeah, i meant: well, too complicated, too tired right now. lol. Exactly, end of story.
  6. the sequel to Glasslands, The Thursday War, is coming out in October, and Silentium, the final chapter of the Forerunner trilogy, in January. (yes, you have quite a lot of things that you'll miss unless you start buying the books, lol!) Hmh, we'll see. I don't want an abrupt ending, but i don't want a forced sequel too. In fact, i wasn't expecting Halo 4. 343i stated that the Forward Unto Dawn is being attached by a force of Covenants that broke the truce with the Humans. They come from space.
  7. IMO it would be horrible. Too much splitting campaign may result not understandable. And, there is no Noble-Seven/Eight/Nine. Only Six. Indeed it would be interesting. I hope to know the fate of the Arbiter and 'Rtas, but i think if they will reveal it, it will be in Halo 5 or another book. not exactly. They are the "Storm" faction, wich is still attached to the Religious "Great Journey", or something like that. Remember 4 years has passed since Halo 3, i would find it ridiculous that someone don't know the war is over.
  8. Nope. It is a faction of Covies. There are many factions of Covies, now. the Arbiter is with the Humans, but there are some other Elites that didn't want an alliance with Humans. in my opinion it is a little bit forced, but whatever. lol.
  9. And what this should even mean? Do you just know that we are in 2552, right? They are magical, ok? magical, just to make people play co-op.
  10. They didn't knew they would die. I don't remember what that episode from Legends says, because i consider it Halsey's journal says that she didn't knew they would've died....or she just didn't care. They were clones. How could they've known they would have died? With what logic?
  11. Well, from where can i start?. First: there are 7 others Spartan-II alive: Fred, Linda, Kelly, Naomi, Jerome, Douglas and Alice. Then there is the Gray team, but i haven't read that comic. Second: WHAT? Do you know that if you played Co-op all the others games, there were two or more Master Chief, Arbiter, Rookie, Six, and only in Halo 3 if you play co-op the second player is the Arbiter and the third and fourth are Elites?
  12. I don't really see the reason of this. First, you say that since Halo 2, every game has a worse Rank system? Every game? Including Halo 3, wich was almost the same of Halo 2? Including Wars, that has no n00bs because of not being an FPS (the only lack i can see is being a RTS on console, but is well organized and well playable)? Including ODST, that has little or no multiplayer, if you exclude Firefight? You can easily say that you don't like Reach. But don't throw bad reputation on all of the other games for nothing. And just because Reach, in your opinion, has a bad ranking system, it doesn't necessarily means that also Halo 4 will.
  13. Aaargh! You lucky one! I wanted that Fotus armor too! But my budget is... limited. As limited as the Limited edition, lol! Anyway, i'm pleased with that LE armor! thanks Jester!
  14. Nope, he's saying that S-III could join at any age and didn't required perfect genes. Wich i think it's false, because in Glasslands, in one of the many etic dibates between Mendez and Halsey, Mendez assure that they had asked the children if they wanted revenge and they agreed, and Halsey says that they were children and they couldn't knew what "revenge" means. (in a few words) So, they are children, like the S-II, but cheaper. Yeah, well, english and americans can buy it in october, i'll need to wait a few months.
  15. Superior? Yeah, technically it is. But I don't think so. 75 childrens were kidnapped. Only a half survived at the enhancements. Of this half, only 30 were able to fight. Of those 30, only 7 are still alive. in 40 years of war, against the Insurrection and the Covenant, 7 Spartan-IIs are still alive. The Companies of S-III were made of 300 subjects. An entire company was killed on Pegasi, just to destroy a Covenant refinery. Alpha Company was born in 2536. in 16 years of war, we don't know exactly how many S-III are still alive. Few, probably. Now, you can tell me they are cheaper, better and whatever, but so far, 30 S-II were able to drive away thousands and thousands of Covenant, when 300 S-III just destroyed a Cov refinery. I can't really see how they can be better than the S-II. And it'll get worse with the S-IV, that are basically ODSTs with a Mjolnir.
  16. Yes, we still have the Chief. And Fred, Linda, Kelly. And the others on the Spirit of Fire. But then? Chief is not immortal, and he's going on the fifty, like all the S-II's. Everything has to end.
  17. Ah, yes, now i remember. It's logic. Better Mjolnir, better soldier, no need anymore to train them since 6 years old. But then, all the magic behind the Spartans is vanquished. No more Super-Soldiers almost immortals. No more "Walking tank" imposing guys. Sigh.
  18. I disagree. We can clearly see from the many videos that the Prometheans are fighting the Covies. And how could they know about how to open a Cryptum? Only Bornstellar and Chakas and Riser were able to open it, one being a Forerunner, the others having a "code" inside them. Well, maybe the Librarian or the Didact himself built it for a specific purpose. If my memory is good enough, when the Didact first hybernated himself in the Cryptum, he was searching some kind of rest, solitude, to meditate about his duty. So, he hidden in a secret place, far away from the civilization, to not be awakened. Perhaps this time he had a different purpose, maybe he's trying to maintain a sentinel control. Just saying.
  19. Jump from a cliff. WYR nuke Europe or Asia?
  20. You're right. Indeed there must've been someone to revive him. Or maybe it is an improved Cryptum. Or maybe it's not a Cryptum.
  21. Yeah, lol, i meant originally. When did he said that? When the last of the Etrurian kings (btw, who was the last Etrurian king to rule Rome? ) was chased away from Rome, and the Republic took the power, did they manage to remain as powerful as they were before? Wich populace stroke back at them? ...As you might have understood, i'm reading the History of Rome by a famous italian writer, so prepare yourself for a thousand questions! LOL!
  22. Oh, c'mon. I don't wanna be a Brute. Promote me to Sangheili forever, please.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SternuS


      Maybe i'll change into Unggoy Deacon. It's cool. :D

    3. Minuette


      I only thought custom member titles where given out randomly and rarely by moderators

    4. SternuS


      i think when you are really "trusted" by them, or you're a "really" active member, you can ask to change it. But rarely they'll do it.

  23. The only thing i hope for is: Spartan-Ops for Silver accounts. You don't have to pay for every single S-Ops. Just that.
  24. An enemy scout... with the diameter of a football field?
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