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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Delta.... Force? WYR be the Didact or Forthenco? (or was he Fortencho?)
  2. But the Forerunners have beaten the Precursors. They should inherit the mantle. I don't think the Precursors foreseen their end, nor from the Forerunners, nor from the Humanity. Humanity controlled the Flood? Maybe they've found a cure, or a weapon against it, but if they were able to control the Flood they should have used it against the Forerunners to win the war.
  3. Sup people? I was on the Alps for the weekend, some news here?

  4. HOW THE HELL DID YOU....well, no matter. Should i stay or should i go?
  5. THAT EMBLEM!!!!!!! I can't understand why did they take it off! The ONLY emblem disappeared! And it was MY EMBLEM!
  6. Nopenopenope! ....zzzzzz...zzz...zzzz...zzz...zag?
  7. Half a maggot...mmmh, delicious maggot. WYR possess all Magic: The Gathering sets or Yu-gi-oh cards? (MAGIC FTW!!!!)
  8. It is possible, there are many options for the Precursors existance. But i don't understand, at the end of
  9. The storyline, simplified, is: Precursors created Forerunners and Humans, Precursors decided the Forerunners weren't adapt to take over the responsability of the Mantle, Forerunners rebelled and hunted down Precursors until a few last of them were driven off the galaxy boarders, Human expanded hunted by the Flood, Human-Forerunner war, Human were victorious but they had to fight also the Flood (for wich they found a "cure"), so the Forerunners stroke back and won, Humans de-evolved, Forerunners-Flood war, Halos fired.
  10. I bought the DVD just for Origins, wich is AWESOME imo, it's really, really well done, the other stuff is meh...yeah, 1337 is funny, but...
  11. Actually, i think that's the
  12. I guess it makes it difficult to read. Anyway, Queen. Queen is always the answer.
  13. Nope. In Primordium it is said that [spoiler anyway, huh?] the last Precursors were driven off by the Forerunners at the boarders of the galaxy. The Primordial is said to be a conglomerate of Precursors. Funny thing: in italian, Forerunners are called Precursori (reminds you something?) and Precursors are called Predecessori.
  14. Lil Wayne, tough i don't listen rap music. WYR be able to fly or to breath in space?
  15. Hey, i'm not saying anyone believed it's an AI, i'm trying to warn people it's probably a troll.
  16. TOTAL WAR. The best of the best so far, imo. Especially Rome and Medieval 2. At the second place I can't decide between Starcraft 1, AoE (saga) and Total Annihilation. I would probably choose AoE, altough not for RTS full-experience but more a devoted choice. I've spent so much time on Starcraft 1 that i can't play the second. It doesn't give me the same atmosphere, the same feeling. Wacraft III with its expansion at the third place.
  17. Just bought 1000 Magic: TG cards and...oh God, i'm a Hunter! So happy! :')

  18. NCC 1701, the best so far. In Star Trek: The Original Saga, Captain Kirk was wearing a wig... True or False?
  19. Dafuq did i just read. Do you seriously believe this guy? This....thing? AI? Pfffft. At first i was like OMG this is so amazing, my heart was going crazy, a misterious AI (AI? 343i employee. Maybe.) posting misterious things that are actually well done, i may say this, but then i understood the non-sense behind this. What are all these...clues it left us? This topic is dead from a lot. Didn't AR lasted longer on Bungie.net? Also, the other supposedly AI, the blue one, what did it said? Nothing. Actually, i'm very disappointed...mmmh...frustrated by this thing. It could have been a really interesting mistery to solve. Like the video with the strange drawings, that was good. And more importantly: it comes from the UK, age 31. Mistery solved, isn't it?
  20. Really? No GOTY? That sounds strange. Sure?
  21. Unfortunately i haven't had the possibility to buy that game yet, so i'm waiting for the GOTY. Also because i still have much to do in Fallout 3, and i can't handle two games like these at the same time.
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