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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Just pre-ordered the LE. 78.99 €?? Why should i pre-order instead the normal edition, for 64.99 €?? Many bonuses from the LE and just 10 € of difference...i don't understand...
  2. Austin Powers. What a bad comparison. WYR have complete control of the internet, or BE the internet?
  3. Jeez, Red Dead Redemption, awesome game. And also Fallout 3.
  4. Jesus, i almost said Ryu...anyway, nope. mmmmmmh..... RYU!!!!
  5. Games. Not game's. Anyway, those are just my favourites, and not even all of them. There are many other games bought by my brothers, but i only played at them or just don't like them.
  6. From Dust, that was an amazing game. Anyway, PC games: Mount&Blade, C&C, AoE , Rome Total War, Medieval 2 Total War, Imperium, Gothic II, Risen, Drakensang, MechWarrior 3, Warcraft 3, Diablo, Homeworld, Disciples, Starcraft, TES V: Skyrim, Supreme Commander, Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and...what was that...well, some others... Xbox: Halo, Time Splitters: Future Perfect, Kingdom under Fire, Forza Motorsport, DoA, Soul Calibur 2, Tenchu aaaand.....i don't even remember... Xbox 360: Halo, GoW, Lost Planet, Mass Effect, L.A. Noire, Borderlands, Kameo, Viva Pinata, TES IV: Oblivion, Forza Motorsport 3....God, i think i'm morphing into Caboose, i can't remember anything...
  7. Exactly. It's all about getting it early. I can't see why they should stop the LE after SDCC, and gain no more profit. I'm probably going to order it in late August. Not everyone pre-ordered it in January.
  8. Hey, is there a youtube channel? Subscribed now! Congratz Egypt and Undead!
  9. No sprint. WYR be the king of the world, or the emperor of a nation?
  10. Who cares? Indeed a small percentage of fans, and that's why I didn't wanted a sequel. If Halo has to end up like a game for kids who wants super-weapons and don't care about the campaign, and start screaming in the mic saying my mother is ..., then i don't want Halo 4 to come out. And there's a suspect, deep in my heart, that this terrible future will soon be present. I want 343i to think about what are they doing, i want them to realize that Halo is born for its campaign, not for the multy. I really hope Halo 5 won't come out 'till 2015, or even 2016. /OT
  11. Poor kitty. She has got an abscess in a gum...

  12. This wasn't even necessary to be said. Every new member MUST know the rules. And if he needs to be punished, he can be old or new, trusted or dedicated, but he MUST be punished (banned or whatever, you know the protocol better than anyone). And i'm sure no one here will deny this. At least, not me . Ah, one question: at who should i report? Community mod., Absolute Dog or directly at Twam? (Obviously i can see who's online, but if there is no mod active...)
  13. I waited to see what the LE could offer, and also because i already bought the Legendary for Reach, and money doesn't grow inside me. In august, i'll probably pre-order that.
  14. No problem. Now i need someone to explain me how are they like EDIT: Yay, #100 post!
  15. I really enjoyed the fourth and 4A, but i haven't played 5 yet. I'm not a big fan of the serie, as my brother is. I'll wait him to buy it.
  16. In Cryptum and Primordium these "War Sphinxes" are described like Forerunners warships, tall about 4 meters and 6 meters long. Obviuosly there are many types of these ships, so the size is variable. They represents the base of the Forerunners fleets, and are also commonly used as field troops. There is a seat for the pilot in the cockpit, altough in many cases there's an AI piloting them. They resembles Sphinx, but sincerely i never understood how they appear.
  17. ...And that brings me to the second point: what is actually a war sphinx? How is it like? Surprisingly, it's like a sphinx, but have we already seen them? Maybe on Primordium cover? or Cryptum, or Silentium?
  18. And what about the little arms? Have you seen them? they seem to have no specific purpose, and they make the body resemble as a mummy. Need explanation.
  19. nuked to become like fallout!! That game is awesome. WYR be in the HIGH-COM, or in the NAV-COM?
  20. My opinion is the SAME as King Brony II, except for Halo 3, that i would define "game with the most epic cutscenes so far" Those are your opinions, but you can't deny Bungie re-invented the modern FPS. And 343 won't be on the list, so or you're with Bungie, or you're out. I prefer to stay with Bungie. Agree, but the problem is that a game is not a great game just because there are billions of people playing at it. To become a great game, it must invent something; and, frankly, it's from MW that they don't invent anything. I found the campaign well done, it wont be as deep as the trilogy, but it's good. And i don't care if Halsey didn't know about the existance of the Spartan-III 'till Onyx, and i don't care about the multiplayer or forge: Again, Halo is what it is for its campaign...
  21. Plasma Pistol! I still can throw my clothes away and not burn to death. WYR reset your life from the beginning, or travel in time?
  22. I wonder what they'll do with Donut...it's still missing from the series since the Meta shot him.
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