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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. I started from the checkpoint they gave you, when you jump in the Citadel. Now, if i re-started from the mission "Cerberus Headquarters", and made it all to the end, the squad i would have chosen (in my choice Garrus and the Prothean) should die? When you run to the portal to the Citadel and the Reaper almost kills you, your teammates should die?
  2. Chicken! mmmmmmmm chicken! WYR have a Turian bodyguard or a Krogan bodyguard?
  3. I can't find Glasslands in my country, so i'm a little misinformed. Could you explain me why there are Elites that are not following the Arbiter, or just follow the Separatists? In a few words, but the way you explain things, not the way Halo Nations or Waypoint explains it. Cause i didn't understand a... single word.
  4. Rest in peace, John Belushi, my idol. May God take care of you.

    1. DaveAtStateFarm


      R.I.P john, he was an idol to many, his humour was amazing, and he'll be the one and only friend,wait, brother, to Dan Akroyd.

    2. ZB-85


      May he keep dancing up in the sky.

  5. Yes, they are pretty much thieves about the price. I'd prefer consider it a Spin-off rather than a sequel (or prequel) of Age 3, like Halo 3 ODST.
  6. Well, Ensemble is back like Bungie is back in 343i. Now they call it Robot Entertainment, where many of Ensembles employees went after the disband. Yes, that's a pretty game, i bought the gold edition on steam for 12€, but it's not as good as the others...it's more funny and less difficult. Oh, and AoMythology it's really good in my opinion. I still play it.
  7. Borderlands is a science fiction first-person shooter game with RPG elements created by Gearbox Software for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Mac OS X. The game was revealed in the September 2007 issue of Game Informer magazine and is the first in a planned franchise. It was released on October 20, 2009. This said, you can do anything you want. You can follow the storyline, or just travel trough the world (Pandora) and the areas and kill everything you see, from bandits to Lance Soldiers to Guardians. The main campaign is simple: you're a treasure hunter, and you have to get to the Vault and catch the fabolous treasure. Obviously, you are new on Pandora, so you'll need help from the locals. They made four expansions: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, The Moxxi's Underdome, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, and The New Clap-trap Revolution. Now, i don't wanna spoiler you the game, or bore you to death, so i'll just ask you your thoughts about this game, and the amazing sequel that will be released on 18 Sept. 2012. Have you played it? I suggest you to do that. Is it nice? Is it funny? Are you going to buy the sequel? If you wanna see what Borderlands 2 would be like, then look at In my opinion, this is the best and funniest game i've ever seen. And i've already preordered the second.
  8. I still play it, on the 360. It's an amazing game, i still amuse myself playing it. I took the first a few months before the second was released, so i'm more familiar with the last one. I'ts the second game on my personal list of SW games, after KOTOR series and before Jedi Knight, Jedi Academy. It would be nice if the multy of Halo 4 would look similar to this, you know, with space battles, reinforcements and stuff like that.
  9. Age of Empires it's not a simple game...it's a piece of history. It's wonderful. I haven't had the opportunity to play the first, but i spent my life on the second, and also on the third. But the second...wow, it was amazing. I tried every civilization, and every one is different. The only lack i see in the third is that there are few civs, also with The Warchiefs and Asian Dynasties. But nonetheless it's a great game. I still can't understand the decision of Microsoft to disband the Ensemble.
  10. Congratz! Next time, i'll be the winner.....of everything!
  11. Earth Quake WYR already know the story of Halo 4 or play it and discover it on 6th Nov?
  12. Space battles. Awesome space battles. UNSC Cruisers and Frigates versus Covenant Carriers and CCS. Or, it would be the most amazing thing in Halo, some Forerunners space battles against Humans or Flood or even themselves...i pray every day for that...
  13. uhm, i don't know. Maybe only the strongest will survive...(lead me to heaven when we die)... i think the most dangerous would be the Flood, it infects everything alive, not only humans like the Xenomorph...but Zergs are different, because they reproduce themselfs with the creep that generates larvae, they infect humans only for military purposes...
  14. Oh, well, ok. And she recognized Kurt while he was wearing the SPI armor in Ghosts of Onyx.
  15. All the Halo items/collectibles WYR be a Spartan III or a Spartan II?
  16. Yes. It is. Like Halo Wars, although we clearly see the armor of the Arbiter being destroyed despite in Halo 2 the Prophet or Rtas says that the armor is very old...i wouldn't say that a 20 years old armor is outdated. There are explanations, as i've already said, that i don't remember
  17. LOTR WYR be a Predator or an Alien?
  18. space colony....no surprise, no cataclysm in space! WYR save a member of your family from death or let him/her die and save some genius that would save a lot of people?
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