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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. ban (sorry dude, i don't even know what's the troll you made ) WYR be a VIP or a world famous gamer?
  2. Now this is AWESOME! Are you gonna send a PM invite or public invite? i think a PM should be better, i pay more attention at PMs than public topics...
  3. Thank you! Actually i was thinking to opening a debate on RvB storyline, just to understand some things that aren't quite clear to me
  4. Uhm...nice question. being a sentient life would make him a good objective to infect, i suppose. So yes, the Flood is capable of infecting Xenomorphs.
  5. Spartan WYR have sunglasses or obscure the Sun?
  6. Actually, WE invaded Sera, so we are the aliens. But i think the list is wrong. "Aliens that WOULD kill us" is not "Aliens that are a THREAT to us", because the Alien (Xenomorph) NEED to kill us to survive (but they would kill everything if necessary, i suppose), and the Covies WANT to kill us for a religious idea.
  7. well, if they made Anniversary, why not Halo 2 Anniversary? was it ugly? NO. Was it a flop? NO. Was it cool? YES. Was it the king of live for a loong time? YES. In my opinion, in 2014 they'll surely make it. And if they don't......VIVA LA HALO-LUTION!
  8. Giza WYR be Johnson or Apone (Aliens) ?
  9. Well, not exactly. Maybe you wish it's not canon, but it is. And they tried to give some explanations about the storyline...but i don't actually remember them. They were strange, anyway.
  10. indeed Well, it would be nice if there are a few missions (maybe in S-Ops) that explain you what happened to Thel and Rtas and the Cov. Separatists after Halo 3
  11. Fly, so i can always sing "I believe i can fly!" WYR be an Admiral or a General?
  12. uh....Google mail, i suppose... WYR be a Doctor or a (Oh God the online dictionary server is unvailable...and now?) ...or the guy who search in the bodies of people to find the problem and...then close the body.....you know, that special doctor? ( )
  13. Well, i only had Xbox (and obviously 360 in 2006), so i can't make a fair judgment...i have more than 70 games for the 360 (not counting the sold ones), and i don't even know how many for the original. But the only thing i hate about 360 is the payment for the gold.... i mean, i have two brothers, so instead of paying three gold accounts, we pay only one and we use it all togheter, and we have three different silver accounts because it's good to have your own achievement, you know.. But for the Spartan Ops it's required a gold account, so i have to play the campaign on my own profile, and play Spartan Ops on the common one...so, we're all ******.
  14. Obi Wan (the old one) WYR be in the Classic Era (Greek-Roman) or in the Medieval period?
  15. Yeah, i know that difference Thank you, and i have to say it: this is the best forum i've ever been so far! (and trust me, i've been in so many forums, and not everyone about Halo...)
  16. Wow, thank you! I'm requesting it right now!
  17. Arbiter all the way. WYR see the Star Trek Original Saga or New Generation?
  18. This one is good.................Sheep testicles. WYR have a likable girlfriend for all your life or a top model for just one day? (i always question this to myself xD)
  19. Draw! WYR be Indiana Jones or Han solo?
  20. whoa. Dude, i've never thought about that. amazing. like battlestar galactica. It would be pretty cool. I don't believe in aliens. I mean, there are bacteries and stuff like that. But no anthropomorphic aliens. No matter what scientists/theologics may say, i'm Catholic and i don't believe in aliens. I'm too scared about the size of the Universe, and there are many questions that don't have an answer (like what is beyond the boarder of the universe, etc. etc.), but i just don't believe in them.
  21. Good job, Donut! I love the guys at RT! But may i ask some question about the story of RvB, or there is another topic for that? Because there are few things that need an explaination for me...
  22. They're pretty nice. I already voted yes, so it's ok for me!
  23. I'm sorry i don't know you, but i really like fanmade Halo pictures, so i voted YES. Is there any topic about yours past pictures?
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