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Everything posted by SternuS

  1. Sins of the Prophets. Where your dreams of epic Halo space battles become true.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'd try it if I had the game.

    2. SternuS


      12€ (or $) well spent.

  2. Grazie! That was quick because someone already made it in the past days! And by the way I'm at 9 I sacrificed my heart To ensure the survival of many; And my sacrifice has been rewarded, For you destroyed a giant, (Alas, another sacrifice, you've lost your friend), But I, we shall not be forgotten. Who/What are we? SternuS - 9 Church - 6 JL1223 X - 4 Axilus Prime - 3 Elite Snip3r - 3 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 P.S. What colour was that? I couldn't find it.
  3. Yeah someone cut off you from the board somewhere in the past pages, if you're on 3 then just modify the score board. Scarab Gun?
  4. Are you kidding me? It's a troll. The clip is from Halo Legends, episode The Package. Guys you should think with your head before believing in everything the internet says.
  5. Really? 'Cause it seems much better than Reach. Source?
  6. I'm trying to interest to some topics around the forum, for recently I'm visiting this forum only for the riddle challenge...I hope one day I'll be able to stay active more than a bunch of minutes.

    1. SternuS


      And maybe be able to speak english well ;P

  7. Your effort is rewarded. SternuS - 8 Church - 6 JL1223 X - 4 Axilus Prime - 3 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 Elite Snip3r - 1
  8. If we only were 343i...how many things could we do, right?
  9. Maybe they could improve it, they could make the spartan attach his weapon to his "leg clip" (like Elites) while grabbing the grenade and after throwing it, he could pick up his weapon; a slow process, but it would work.
  10. Nonono, i mean... BIGGER. The SDV-class is almost the size i am looking for.
  11. Yeah, as it has always been. And it matches with (hypoteytcal) real warfare (i've never seen a marine dual wielding a weapon), if you must throw a grenade you'll have to drop a weapon (or attach it to your body).
  12. I was just preventing people to mistake the riddle's track . Aaand wrong. Define "BR".
  13. Wrong. Wrong. EDIT: Please don't start spamming warships names. Just read again the riddle.
  14. Nope, but more on the right track than before...still not close though.
  15. What about ODST? Reach? And btw, Halo 2 and Halo 3 had pretty badass soundtracks. I can't choose between one of them. All of them are awesome.
  16. I mean, i'd like to put this in my signature. That's exactly what i mean. The music...Reclaimer: Mammoth; no music when fighting? Seriously? Where's the feeling, where's the excitement? I'm sorry, but Neil isn't as good as O'Donnell. I liked "Legacy" the most, followed by "117" and "Nemesis", but that's it. I couldn't really say i liked a soundtrack more than another one when O'Donnell was in charge.
  17. Yeah, totally. He is for sure alive. Because *insert canonical information from the books/ games* etc. Because you just don't kill the main antagonist and last of Forerunners in a 4 hours-campaign, after spending 4 years to characterize it.
  18. The Storm Rifle is quite good, it surely is better than the unbelievable Needle rifle. I'd like to see the Plasma rifle make a comeback, for it represents Elites. But in many books it is said that a single plasma pistol shot is fatal for a Marine. And i saw a bunch of elites in Halo 4 wielding one of those pistols. Maybe they thought the plsama rifle was redundant because of this. But i'd like to see it back in Halo 5.
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