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    Halo lived as the best damn video game series ever created. It has lived a great life and I'm sure it would brought future generations happiness. Had it not been for the **** ups at 343 Industries. halo 4 is the grim reaper to this amazing universe. You all claim to be true Halo fans and you all sicken me to the core. You all are blind to the murder that 343 is about to commit. I love Halo to death. I feel as though I am the only true fan of this series. Halo CEA was half-asked and completely disrespectful to true Halo fans. We already let another company other than Bungie work on Halo and look at what we got...Halo wars. How blind and stupid are you all? To encourage this HERESY upon true fans of Halo. These demons have tainted the ground we walk on. If you all claim to be true fans of Halo. Then quit this nonsense and open your eyes. As one who represent the Sangheili, I find halo 4 to be a disgrace and an unforgivable insult to the name Halo. If you all knew what 343 was doing to this game. If you all knew the physical changes they've made. Open your eyes my brothers and sisters. All the things that are unexplained and you all don't see it. If the gods had wanted a Halo 4 they wouldn't have made ODST or Reach. There is a reason why they ended it with 3. They wanted us, The real fans, to think and create new ideas as to what we thought happened. This....This worthless excuse for a Halo game makes my stomach shrink. Jul' Mdama wouldn't tolerate this ****. Thel 'Vadam would even shake his head in shame. You have all contributed to murder of Halo.

    R.I.P. Halo: 1998-2012.
    We will miss you Halo and all the fun you have given us over the years will remain in our hearts forever. (Halo, killed by: 343 Industries. Respawn in 343...342...341...

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