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Everything posted by Did4ct

  1. When I first posted it in this Forum, it moved somewhere (maybe because the admin thought it didn't deal with Halo 4?) and I just wanted to get it back in the Halo 4 Forum, so I posted it again in the Halo CE/A Forum and it combined them in this Forum.
  2. Thanks, if there's anything anyone can contribute, that would be nice.
  3. What is the Gravemind? The Gravemind is the super-intelligent controlling unit of the Flood. It is a collectivization of the minds of the beings which it has overrun with its 'disease,' and is capable of controlling countless units of mobile Flood at once, through some sort of telepathy. The Gravemind then uses these thoughts/memories/intellects to expand its ever-noble cause: to consume all sentient life in the galaxy. *However there is a problem. As shown from the terminals in Halo: CEA, the Gravemind forces its victims into submission. It is made up of innumerable minds of countless species, which in 'life,' had many different beliefs and agendas, and yet it consists of one, powerful consciousness. THEN WHOSE CONSCIOUSNESS CONTROLS ALL THOSE MINDS? WHOSE CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE GRAVEMIND ITSELF? There is an answer. In Halo: Primordium, the Prisoner of Charum Hakkor (the Primordium), claims to be the last Precursor, the race of beings that preceded the Forerunners, that were even more advanced. This Precursor says to the Forerunner commander, the Didact, "We meet again, young one. I am the last of those that gave you breath and shape and form, millions of years ago. I am the last of those your kind rose up against and ruthlessly destroyed. I am the last Precursor. And our answer is at hand." At the end of the story, this Precursor is revealed to be a Gravemind. This 'Prisoner' was allegedly killed by the Didact in a reverse time capsule. I believe that the time capsule killed the body of that Gravemind, but the consciousness of the Gravemnd was preserved. In Halo: CEA, The oracle has a conversation with a mysterious 'construct.' In response to the Oracle's question, the construct says, "I serve, none serve me, Oracle." (He serves the will of the Precursors, but none are left to serve him) He continues to say, "We follow the path, and I am part of the -stone, -journey, -swarm that serves... I, we, serve. They will find, then I will be free." -Throughout the Halo's, the Gravemind refers to itself both as I and We. The Flood is being held 'prisoner' in the Halo. The Gravemind in Halo 3 says to Chief, "Child of my enemy, why have you come? I offer no forgiveness. A father's sins, cast to his sons." -Humans are noted as 'Reclaimers' by the Forerunners, and there is evidence to suggest that that humans are from Forerunner lineage. This shows that the Gravemind is still exacting judgement on the Forerunners, even though they are gone (or are they?). In conclusion, I believe that the Gravemind is the consciousness of one of the Precursors, who are said to be 'transsentient' by the Forerunners. Much of their technology dealt with the mind. This makes sense seeing that the Gravemind has such a strong will and can communicate telepathically. I believe that this Precursor/Gravemind will be the primary antagonist later in the new Halo trilogy, because there are so many hints in Halo: CEA and Halo: Primordium that would not be worth discussing if it were otherwise.
  4. I couldn't agree more
  5. That Promethean Vision is pretty crazy but at least they jacked the jump height back up.
  6. Don't like the look, and it seems to shoot exactly like the Halo: Reach sniper.
  7. Dual Wielding was the best thing ever, it's a shame it didn't make it to Reach or Halo 4.
  8. It looks like they have put a ton of thought into it. I guess we'll see
  9. Your first assumption is untrue. I know there are probably many threads like this but I didn't see anything that gives you the ability to vote. I am not trying to "save the halo community" with this "brilliant idea" but I will be thoroughly disappointed, as will many, if there is no Classic halo gametype in Halo 4. What I mean when I say "use the map" is that the players will use the map to find the guns placed in strategic places, rather than spawning with the weapon of their choice.
  10. I don't believe it is stated what happened to her. At the end of Halo: Primordium, 343 Guilty Spark believes that she is alive and evidently knows how to find her and sets his newly acquired ship in her direction.
  11. Yes but I think that the Librarian will be involved. I posted a side note under number 4.
  12. The Didact will side with Master Chief in Halo 4. PROOF: 1) The Didact's Cryptum scans Chief, it ignores him and continues to fly to the INFINITY *This shows that the Didact does not see Chief as an enemy that needs to be killed at this point in time 2) The Didact goes to the INFINITY and Cortana says, "I know where he's headed" *The use of "he" implies that they have already met, and clearly they have survived their encounter with the 'terrible' Didact 3) Master Chief replies to Cortana's statement with, "The same place we are." *Because 343i said that Halo 4 will be more theatrical than the previous Halo's, and they said that they would suddenly not make Chief into Susie-Talks-A-Lot, it is safe to assume that everything Chief says is important. Further, I wholeheartedly believe that 343i will use Chief's words as more than words but symbols. I believe that this statement to hints that the Didact and Chief will be going to the "same place," implying that they will become allies with a common goal. 4) A Promethean zaps the Elite charging Chief with the sword. *Self-Explanatory 5) Lastly, the Promethean Knight, under the control of the Didact, does not kill Chief, but knocks him out. *Since 343i would receive death threats if they killed Chief in the first game, it is clear that the Didact does not kill Chief. Becuase he has him unconscious, and has the power to kill him, and doesn't, it shows that he needs him for something and will become his ally maybe to destroy an even more ancient evil: The Timeless One, a Precursor whom the Didact supposedly killed. -As a side note for the sake of plot development, at the end of Halo: Primordium 343 Guilty Spark is shown to be 'highjacking' an ONI ship in search of the Librarian, the Didact's lover, whom, in terminal 10 of Halo: CEA, Spark says can "temper [the Didact's] anger." This could be a major plot of the game which could be the cause for the alliance between Chief and the Didact. Concept art for a Precursor compared to image compiled from one of the first trailers:
  13. Why hasn't anyone thought of that? You could be brute-flood, elite-flood, marine-flood, or whatever those huge ones that could change were in Halo 3, depending on if you are the alpha zombie
  14. To Wes Stone501, the halo gameplay where you look for weapons on the map, and everyone spawns with the same weapons as in Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3
  15. Vote at the thread: Salvage Multiplayer in Halo 4!
  16. Halo 4 Multiplayer, or 'War Games', will be ruined without the addition of a gametype that plays like the CLASSIC HALO gameplay where everyone actually uses the map to get guns and have a 'Man-to-Man' battle without the unnecessary interruption of Customizable Classes, Armor Abilities, 'Perks', and 'Killstreaks.' As the famous Bungie lead artist Luke Smith states about the beloved 'simpleness' of Halo gameplay: "Two men enter. The better man leaves. The lesser man is respawning. And that's Halo" -Luke Smith *Please vote and/or post your opinion
  17. It still hasn't been announced. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
  18. Yeah I don't like the killstreaks or loadouts. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
  19. I agree that it was very repetitive and like the new ideas. Also if you want, vote at the thread: Salvage Multiplayer in Halo 4!
  20. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
  21. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
  22. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
  23. Vote at the thread: VOTE for Classic Halo Gametype in Halo 4
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