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Everything posted by GruntNoober

  1. What does everyone think of being able to apply attachments to your guns before the mission on Halo 5? Yeah its kinda like what happened in Black Ops 2 but I think it would be a good idea for Halo because sometimes my aim is just the worst so it would be good to be able to attach a scope to the assault rifle!!!
  2. Welcome to the forums smartest man that ever lived if you have any questions feel free to ask me.
  3. Really sad to hear, My deepest sympathy to you,your family and his.
  4. GruntNoober

    Me :)

    From the album: Random Photos

    This is me in none of my glory.
  5. GruntNoober

    Random Photos

  6. All I know is Bungie day and that a fireteam has 7 members (poor effort)
  7. I'm just wondering how to make a gallery and upload photos on this? I've never really tried so I don't how to do it :L Help would be very appreciated. (I didn't know what section to put this under so sorry if its the wrong one)
  8. Yeah, The battle sequences look pretty amazing as well.
  9. Yeah lol the cute Pokemon are mostly terrible, some aren't (PIKACHU RULES). I've recently been playing Pokemon White 2 and I've put 35 hours into it and I haven't even beaten the Pokemon league yet :L
  10. I'm not lying here, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person in my college that plays Pokemon games :/
  11. I still have to buy a 3DS as well :L probably give me a headache too, when I turn on a pokemon game I tend to play it for hours :L
  12. Yeah the map editor is really fun to play around with.
  13. Can't wait for these game's, so excited
  14. I can agree with you on the point to stop making games, but for me Generation 4 was the best.
  15. My top 10 favorite games: 10. Halo 2 9. Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary 8. Assassins Creed 2 7. Borderlands 2 6. Dark Souls 5. Mass Effect 2 4. Assassins Creed Brotherhood 3. Mass Effect 3 2. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim 1. Assassins Creed 3 Top Games of 2012 (For me): 5. Borderlands 2 4. Halo 4 3. Mass Effect 3 2. Far Cry 3 1. Assassins Creed 3
  16. This topic probably won't attract much views because too most people Pokemon is very babyish, but I'm a fan of the games and always have been. The next game in the franchise are going to be 3D and this is a huge leap for DS Pokemon games. Not much information has been released but the 2 games are being released in October and I want to know people's thought's on the games being in 3D.
  17. I am probably one of the worst players in Fallout history, In New Vegas I got killed by bloat fly (I think there called that :L).
  18. Is that DLC out yet :L I haven't played BL2 in a while so I wouldn't know.
  19. I loved searching for the skulls as well, especially in Halo 3
  20. I hate the flood,they **** and remind me off necromorphs.
  21. GruntNoober


    I hope he is in Halo 5, I loved him as much as Masterchief in Halo 3 :L
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