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Everything posted by GruntNoober

  1. Sadly I can't watch this movie because I haven't saw one LOTR movie, are they worth buying?
  2. Borderlands 2 was one of my favorite games of the year. but the first time I got an orange drop wasn't until the mission were you have to kill Jacks body double :/
  3. Yeah the campaign is really good but I sucked at the game :L
  4. I hated Red Dead Redemption :L Just wasn't my type of game to play.
  5. Dead Space is a really good game. But be prepared for a jumpscare fest.
  6. I hope there will be. I personally loved the games and I'm stilled not tired of some good old fashioned zambie killing.
  7. I've only had it once but it magically went away by itself.
  8. I would get it eventually, I'd wait till the price goes down.
  9. Oh hell no, Halo 4 is an amazing game, Halo 3 is a pushover compared to it :L 343 did a great job!!!!
  10. Isn't that exactly what happened with Black Ops 2 Campaign? You could choose your loadout before every mission.
  11. Welcome to the Forums Goldeneye!!!!! Got any questions then feel free to ask anyone on the forums.
  12. Welcome to the forums Stealth!!! If you have any questions feel free to PM me or ask me in shoutbox
  13. It was good for its time but then it was simply outclassed by the 2nd game. I don't know why I didn't like it, I think it was because I was doing one of the missions and I died and it put me way back at the start of it :L pretty stupid but that's what teenagers are like.
  14. I've never left Halo Reach alone for more than a week :L such a good game.
  15. Emile was my favorite because of his helmet :L
  16. Dual-wielding was Ok but I wasn't a fan of it.
  17. The only thing I want brought back to Halo 5 is firefight. I loved this game mode and I was down-heartened when is wasn't in Halo 4 :wallbash:
  18. I liked both games but the first Borderlands was way to easy, I'm glad 2K have made improvements on the enemies since the first game.
  19. Quite a neat idea, kinda like them forerunners (Forget there name) that propel grenades back at you.
  20. This is a long shot but do you think its possible that his armor will be getting any upgrades in Halo 5?
  21. It was a really good game. But people keep thinking that the 2 people that Clementine saw after the credits was Shane and Rick from the T.V. series (which it could be) but it probably is Omid and Christa. The moment I loved was when Ben just let all his anger out on Kenny after all the trouble he had gotten from the other characters. Anyways I think season 2 will be about Clementines journey through the apocalypse.
  22. I play Oblivion once in a while but other than that The Simpsons Hit and Run on the normal Xbox :L
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