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Everything posted by GruntNoober

  1. Brutes suck,especially the ones with the gravity hammer.
  2. HMV cause the GAME shop in my area got closed down.
  3. I hate the flood they remind me of negromorphs
  4. The new weapons in halo 4 look awesome
  5. Shotgun sniper definetly that is a deadly combination.
  6. DMR all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. So far I like everything I seen in halo 4,apart from the enemies that throw your grenades back at you.
  8. Probably not but I would have enough credits to get it,I got like 19000 atm.
  9. I meant they think there better than you but they probably arent
  10. They probably quit because they are better than you but there probably noobs or something.
  11. 1 betrayal and then get booted I think it should be like 4 or something
  12. Cool Update's but im a bit late posting this.
  13. I suck terribly at sniping its not my strong point.
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