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Everything posted by GruntNoober

  1. I think they are the robotic version of ghost rider,cause behind there mask they got a skull with flames around it
  2. For me I think it will be the new enemies (forerunners) because they look amazing and their guns look even better so I would go with that.
  3. Too me all zombie games are amazing
  4. My choice would be assassins creed because its one of my favourite franchises of games and plus the storylines in games are amazing.
  5. Apparently there was a sequel to bulletstorm but it got cancelled,probably cause the company had no faith in it but thats just a rumour i think.
  6. The games im getting this year are halo 4,COD black ops 2,Assassins creed 3,lollipop chainsaw.
  7. A lawyer because you get to ask people confusing questions in court. Would you rather be part of the unsc or the covenant
  8. Just to say I really am looking forward to halo 4 and see what else 343 have done to the franchise.

  9. My only bit of advice for multiplayer is NOT TO BE COCKY you can be but you will end up being killed by everyone on the match.
  10. MW3 all the way i just think that BF3 tried to hard,but its just my opinion.
  11. Theres gonna be a zombie type campaign in black ops 2 aswell as a the normal campaign
  12. Its no surprise that it broke records isnt it like on of the most popular sandbox games ever.
  13. I saw on some website that the next update is around mid-july
  14. I would like a jet type vehicle,it would pretty awesome and it could have a wide variety of weapons.
  15. Halo 3 is still a good game but i still think reach is better than it and halo 4 will be better
  16. I like the first mission and the one with the cartographer,cant remember what its called
  17. If they had small arms like t-rex's then yes they would be like dinosaurs
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