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Everything posted by ThERavinGPixiE

  1. It's been too long my friends.

    1. Church


      Wow indeed. Welcome back Pixie!

  2. I feel that the poll options do not favor the oldschool gamers... I'm still playing Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, and Silver.
  3. I think the big kicker for Destiny is that Bungie is really taking their time on it to make great. They may be feeling the pressure from their history, but they are definitely determined to blow their follower's minds with this game. I'm really pulling for Bungie on this though and sincerely hoping that it's going to be truly epic. On that note, I believe that they are going to make it epic. Just from the artwork they've revealed, it looks gorgeous.
  4. Sweetness! I will try to be there for at least some of it. I'm guessing I should add the host as a friend on XBL?
  5. I will call my internet people tomorrow and see what they have to say. I'm really hoping it's not the Xbox that's causing the issue. It's my baby :-(
  6. Every so often, my Xbox decides that my internet is not it's best friend and refuses to accept the password for it. I know I'm giving the right password, but it keeps telling me it's incorrect. I've tried restarting my router, restarting the Xbox, doing both at the same time, signing out then back in, I've even tried plugging the router directly into the Xbox. When it decides that it doesn't like the internet, nothing works until it resolves its own issues. Any ideas or suggestions for why this happens and how to make it stop? It's highly frustrating me.
  7. Feeling artistic and crafty...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GryffinGuy007
    3. EliteSniper
    4. ThERavinGPixiE


      Think I'm gonna do either a painting or drawing of Cortana.

  8. I am having some issues with Minecraft on my computer. I want to come play with you guys in your world, but everytime I join, the game lags so much that I can't even move, then it freezes up. Help? what can I do to fix it?
  9. I wish that murderers got sent to the families of the victims (alive and dead) to be done away with as justice. Imagine how the sick, twisted a-hole who bombed those civilians would be torn to shred by all the families he inflicted so much pain on... I know it wouldn't really make things better exactly, but it would help ease some of the anger from the victims. My heart and thoughts go out to all of Boston for this senseless atrocity that has befallen them. May the criminal die a thousand slow painful deaths.
  10. Dr. Halsey is the creator of MJOLNIR. She designed it for the Spartan-II's. John-117 successfully used it but sustained damage to his helmet and was knocked unconscious.
  11. Which version do you enjoy better? Xbox, my laptop doesn't handle the PC version very well. Do you enjoy playing MInecraft? LOVE PLAYING IT! I get to build all sorts of awesome things. It's like adult Legos! Best moment? The first time I found a diamond cluster. It was like finding the Holy Grail. I swear there was even a golden glow surrounding the diamond blocks and the angels rejoiced. Or that could have all been in my head. Do you even have it? I have it on my Xbox 360, my PC, and the pocket edition on my Kindle Fire. Your favorite block? Redstone because it glows when you find it. I just wish there were more uses for it. Like turning them into red light blocks or something. Your favorite mob? Spiders! I get seriously creeped out by spiders in real life so when I hear one in game, it's hunting time. I literally will go out of my way to hack a spider up and steal it's goodies.
  12. Let me start this off by saying that I have been a Tomb Raider fan for years and when word reached me that they were working on re-envisioning the series, I was a little miffed. Why? Because a good percentage of the time, when someone decides to do a re-envisioning of something, it sucks. Aside from being a bit miffed, I was also excited and hopeful. Could this be the start of something amazing? There was only one way to find out... I pre-ordered. On Tuesday evening, I picked up my copy and brought it home where it promptly sat on the shelf waiting ever so patiently for me to finish Borderlands. Tonight was the night. I finished Borderlands and did my dance of joy over it. Then I turned to the unopened game case daring me to breach it's shiny plastic wrapped armor. Slicing through to the game inside with my trusty kitchen knife, I opened the case and cautiously sat the disc in the cradle of my precious Xbox. I gingerly pushed the tray shut, leaped back onto the couch, grabbing my controller as a I somersaulted into position. Anxiously, I awaited as the disc loaded up... only to be confronted by the horrible message of "Update required: Press A to begin update or B to cancel" With a heavy sigh, I pressed A, went into the kitchen, and made a sandwich (no I won't make you one, go do it yourself!). As I ate my sandwich, I stared forlornly at the update bar as it slowly trudged it's way through. I even had time to throw my paper plate away! As I sat back on the couch with the controller in my lap, the update completed! I waited (not so patiently) as the screen before me transformed into another place in the world... the world of Lara Croft. I began my journey through her eyes and was amazed at the graphics and detail they managed to trap inside the pixels. I'm only about an hour into the game so far and am blown away by this re-envisioning. It's a new aspect of Lara. A simpler, innocent version before she became the bad ass we all know her as. What say you, the people of the the gamers? What are your thoughts and opinions of the new Lara Croft? I must say that I kind of miss the hot little shorts she wore in the games of old.
  13. that would be part of why I stepped away from the community for a while. It seemed like every time I logged in, I'd read the last three things posted in the Shoutbox and it was nothing but fighting and people being rude. I didn't want to be around that so I left, started working, and doing other things. I sincerely hope that everyone takes this to heart. We are the only ones who can be held responsible for the changes in the community. We are a dysfuncitonal functional family. Let's make this work. Let's make this be great.
  14. I had removed Minecraft from my computer, but I guess I'm going to have to reinstall it so I can play with you guys! I look forward to seeing what you guys have created on it. Is everyone going to be able to build their own house and whatnot?
  15. I just went to Gamestop and pre-ordered my copy of Destiny. I'm super pumped about Bungie's newest production. As for Halo, I've always been a Halo fan and I always will be. I'll keep buying them for the story line and for the multiplayer online. I'm one of those gamer girls that loves the games for what they are, games. They're something to pass the time, play with others, and have fun with.
  16. It looks pretty cool? Seriously? *facedesk* Kids these days...
  17. I am so pumped about this game. I can't wait until it comes out this fall. It promises to be epicness in the making. The artwork and concept is going to just blow everyone away. I only hope that they deliver what they are showing.
  18. A lot of you on here already know me, but to those of you who don't HI THERE! i'M PIXIE! I was afk for quite some time but I am back now and ready to rock the awesome. To all my friends on here, I MISSED YOU GUYS! Sorry I was MIA for so long, just got punched in the face by Real Life and was KO'ed. It's all good though, I have awoken from my comatose state and I am ready to play some XBL and have some fun! LET'S DO THIS PEEPS!
  19. Soon to be Mrs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spyro


      Mozel tov! (No, I'm not jewish, but I almost get to use that word.)

    3. AnimalDenWinter
    4. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      WHAT!!!???? I mean... *cough* congrats! :D lol jkjkjk :P

  20. Saw this on Facebook and just had to repost it on here for all of my favorite people in the forums.
  21. Chillin like a villain.

  22. I know, I've been a horrible online friend to everyone and I am very sorry, but the last few months have NOT been kind to me. I am currently typing this message with one hand because I fractured the radius bone in my arm a week ago. I was putting up Halloween decorations and fell of my roof onto my driveway. I am ok, just hurt my pride most I have missed you all and I will try to be online mroe on here and on XBL. How have you all been? XOXOX Pixie!
  23. I live in the DFW area and would love to do this, but unfortunately I have a broken arm right now (the last few months have not been kind to me) and the NASCAR races are that weekend. Hope you guys find someone to help!
  24. Yup, that's right folks. I got West Nile. I was in the hospital for 6 days. Let me tell you now, if you start feeling dizzy, light headed, having chest congestion, coughing, cold chills,and then a fever creeps up on you with a quickness.... GO TO THE HOSPITAL. The second my fever hit 102, my man rushed me to the hospital. I was extremely sick and I just wanted to warn everyone. Don't mess around if you are sick right now, go to the doctor.
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