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Everything posted by ThERavinGPixiE

  1. This game is slightly addictive... and it helps others! I Mega Like this!
  2. Starting to rethink participating in the SWAT tourney... I SUCK

    1. The Director

      The Director

      You aren't THAT bad. Plus, your teammates need you! :3

    2. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Yeah, I want you to stay on the team! I'll help train with you as leader


  3. when you think you're talking to someone else and realize it isn't them... after an hour of chatting and playing a game.
  4. Everyone on here has an Xbox (obviously ) and with all the styles out there to chose from, there's always one that just screams out THIS IS MINE! For me, my Xbox is the Halo:Reach special edition with it's silvery awesomeness and shield charging SFX when you open or close the tray. For others it's the standard black, maybe with some stickers to customize it or a skin, or a special edition model for a certain game. So what's your Xbox?
  5. Oh Rooster Teeth... How I love thee!! They always make my day a little bit brighter
  6. Happy gaming to you. Wishing you the best and that things get better for you. Hopefully things will be resolved and you will come back to your gamer family!
  7. Good to know, I was just about to purchase some MS points to get the Dawnguard plug-in. Thanks Undead!
  8. Sweetness! It sounds like this is gonna be a neat plug-in for the game. I am looking forward to trying it out.
  9. To me, skill goes beyond physical ability. I think that skill goes deeper than that. It goes straight to the heart. Without passion or love for something, there is no skill behind it. Heart is what drives a lot of people, I won't say most people because I have no way of proving that. It doesn't matter what it is that someone is skilled at. It can be a game, a job, talking to people, anything. I also believe that skill can be earned, developed, or born with. We didn't come into this world knowing how to speak, and that is a skill in and of itself. While some people may have artistic talents, others don't. They may strive to learn how to do it and either succeed or fail, but that can be a skill that developed or born with. Being a leader is another prime example of skill and I think it can fall into all three categories. You can earn the skill to lead by proving yourself to others. You can develop the skill to lead by learning from others. And sometimes, people are just born to lead. I see it everyday in the people around me and it amazes me every time. Some people take it for granted and never even reflect on the things they do, while others have the desire to brag and boast to everyone around them about what they have done. Then there are those few who quietly acknowledge a feat, smile, say thank you to someone who notices it, and move on through their lives impacting other people without even really trying.
  10. Ah-ha! I get it now. Thanks everyone, now to start practicing on Gimp... since I'm broke and can't afford Photoshop lol.
  11. I have added a poll to take votes! Just had to figure out how to make it lol!
  12. Many players have a preference of grenade usage in game. Me, I prefer sticky grenades. Why? because I find it highly amusing to stick them right in someone's face or, even better, right on their back when they don't know it and then bust out laughing when they explode. With that said, What's everyone's preference? Sticky or frag? Which do you think works better to kill an opponent and why?
  13. Gamertag = ThERavinGPixiE Gender = Female Location = Texas, USA Position = voice actor, character, enemy, eh whatever you need Will send you a voice clip as soon as I locate my mic in one of the boxes from moving lol.
  14. How do you make a signature? I mean, one of the really cool customized ones that I've been seeing on people's profiles? I want to learn so I can have fun being all gamer artistic and have my own sig.
  15. Why hello there! I am theravingpixie and I am a gaming addict... I'm kidding, sort of, but I am new to this lovely forums/chat/group/gaming community. I'm here to make new gaming buddies and have fun. So yeah, that's about all I got right now lol.
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