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Everything posted by ςHϵΑƨϵMΩηεTΞr

  1. I will test it the next time I'm on my Xbox and post some feed back then Sorry it posted twice
  2. I will the next time I'm on my Xbox and I will post some feed back then
  3. I'm a bit late but,ah well welcome to the forums!
  4. I'll download some of them the next time on XboxLive
  5. Im a brigadier grade 3 I've a lonnnnnnnnngggg way to go....
  6. That's an awesome introduction lol hope to see you around
  7. I am looking for a sangheili clan to join 13 year old girl I am not one of those 13 year old noobs (I hate that stereotype) I play reach most days I get 10+ kills in a game....anyway does anybody want to recuit me or tell me someone who might?
  8. Whoa going to take me my whole life to get that many posts! Lol
  9. Be the normal doctor haven't got a clue what the second one is lol WYR use google or yahoo
  10. Chocolate,Ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream and pasta!
  11. Chocolate,Ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream and pasta!
  12. Lol everybody has nice fancy ones and look at mine XD
  13. CarnageKing sounds good too but I prefer EnmityEra
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