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  1. Welcome! I'm fairly new to Halo too. Reach was really my first Halo game but me and my husband did break out the original xbox and finish Halo 1 & 2.
  2. AlyMarie21

    I'm leaving

    Stay safe! Have fun.
  3. AlyMarie21

    Being Silly

    We're silly. <3
  4. Aw, thanks! She doesn't seem to agree so we wait until she's in bed to play. Lol.
  5. Well, thank you! I try to be nice. She is doing very well - such a sweet girl. Annnddd, back off now.
  6. Azaxx, I tried to 'like' your comment but I've "met my quota of positive votes for the day". Weird? Anyways, we'll see about One. And if not, oh well. No worries.
  7. So far I am having fun. And I think I can get One to lighten up.
  8. Haha, Rentless. Thank you. And thanks Mr. Bashful Brute.
  9. Then yes, you drew me in! I had no clue about this forum until twitter.
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