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    Ray iz RaMb0

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  1. Custom Games Matchmaking [Waiting since Halo3] [Fixed] Halo 4 forge with more features = Adding Ai [Ai as in everything from UNCS Grunts, to enemies, to campaign bosses] New Forge Mode: Campaign Forge [Lets you go into a campaign mission, choose a checkpointed section, or area, and build there and complete the mission how you would've liked too, or just use that area to make a game mode in] Remove armor abilities from starting load outs and make them pick up if you still choose to keep them in. Make the DMR a pick up, not the BR. Dynamic Animations such as juking to the left or right as you hit jump. [Maybe] Graphics. Coop. Fun mode where you get to play as an ODST. [Maybe as an activated skull, or a custom setting.] In Custom Games allow you to play as: Forerunners, Elites, Hunters, Etc. Be able to use the War Sphinx in custom games.
  2. Custom Games Matchmaking [Waiting since Halo3] Halo 3-esque forge with more features = Adding Ai [Ai as in everything from UNCS Grunts, to enemies, to campaign bosses] New Forge Mode: Campaign Forge [Lets you go into a campaign mission, choose a checkpointed section, or area, and build there and complete the mission how you would've liked too, or just use that area to make a game mode in] Remove armor abilities from starting load outs and make them pick up if you still choose to keep them in. Make the DMR a pick up, not the BR. Dynamic Animations such as juking to the left or right as you hit jump. [More like a juke/jump] Graphics. Coop. Fun mode where you get to play as an ODST. [Maybe as an activated skull, or a custom setting.]
  3. Cuz I luve you guys. Heres a link to my new footages found of Halo 4. Enjoy https://forums.halo.xbox.com/yaf_postst116820_New-Eurogamer-footage-and-More.aspx Also check out http://www.Halocouncil.com / http://www.Halo4nation.com / Ducain's or BravoMlgs youtube channel
  4. They already said it was wetworks.
  5. Wetworks, bragging rights plz.
  6. I'm kinda dissapointed with how ugly more then half the helmets are lol.
  7. So I read the Halo 4 bulletin Question/Answer post on Halo Waypoint. 343 said the only reason they didn't make more armor variants on Halo 4 was because of a lack of disc space. So I was wandering do you think they will release Armor Dlc Packs? That would make my halo life~
  8. Actually Halo Council, MathCheif, Bravo MLG, and Ducain are the best.
  9. If Master Chief takes of his helmet, there would obviously be another helmet.
  10. We already said keep the explosion, subtract the death.
  11. Wierd, how does something with no ability to harm the game get dislikes. This option is only beneficial, c'mon guys o.0
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