Well since he said some story stuff involving the brutes, maybe the chief is near some Storm area and some brutes are slaving away to the elites, then they get killed from some prometheans. It starts to play and you can go pick up a gravity hammer.
Elites don't like using other weapons besides their own I thought.
And the storm group in glasslands had brutes who stayed loyal to them. So maybe they will be like in Reach where they are just shocktroops.
I think it would be cool if we got to visit a Halo version of a well known city. Maybe Washington just for the historical stuff (and because I'm sure the target audience is Americans). Paris or London would be cool also.
I just noticed that I forgot to add a sentence to the last thing.
That was someone else's thoughts about it basically summed up from Bungie. I've never read ghosts of onyx.
And I'm assuming the thing is in Glasslands as I have no idea where else I would have seen it. I don't really follow Halo too much besides a few things from Halo 4.
So I'm still going to say that without armor theoretically the Spartan III's would win in a fight as I remember somwhere in glasslands this is stated.
Also it sounds like you think I am saying that the Spartan III's would just wreck the Spartan II's, but I am just saying they may be tougher because of something that a mediocre author wrote about. I've seen a couple other times where people don't like Glasslands because the author messes some things up.
Well I still remember seeing something of the sort in the book, so until I re read it or something I'm going to assume it is in there.
And about augmentation. The Spartan III augmentations weren't inferior to the Spartan II's. There were advances in the process that allowed for it to be used on a wider variety of people (that's why it is a drug instead of a surgical procedure for SIIIs). Then in the special case for gamma company they had a superior augmentation to the SII's as Kurt used illegal drugs. Kurt also said Gamma company were the most superior spartans, and he was a Spartan II, so I would hope he knows what he is talking about.
So in theory I'd say Spartan III's are superior (at least gamma company) to Spartan II's. But what gives Spartan II's the edge is their combat experience and their armor.
If I had glasslands I might look for it, but I don't own the book.
But I remember it because I was sort of surprised to hear it. It may have been during one of those arguments between Mendez and Halsey, and Halsey thought to herself that Spartan III's were physically superior but didn't want to mention it to Mendez. Or alternatively Mendez mentioned it to make her feel bad.
Hold on. I thought they were bringing back a system to match people with players ofthe similar skill. The "1-50" just isn't visable to other players.
Or was this just some rumor I heard?
In glasslands someone (either Halsey or a Spartan II) says the Spartan III's would have beaten them in hand to hand combat.
Also addressing the thing about spartan III's age. Some of them are 14 during 2552 while others are in their late 20's. Ao that is more than a 10 year difference.
I would guess that it would be improved Spartan III enhancements. If I'm not mistaken Spartan III's could also join at any age and didn't have to have the perfect genes.
Though now that I think about it, if the UNSC fixed the augmentation process, then Spartan IV's could be better than Spartan II's. They most likely have the same training as Spartan III's (which is superior to Spartan II's), and similar enhancements to Spartan II's. But we don't know how they augment them.
No they still genetically enhance them. They were planning on doing this originally (ORION project) but the technology at the time made it impossible to perform on adults, so they had to use children.
Now in 2557 the technology is good enough to genetically enhance adults.
It's confirmed in Glasslands. Admiral Parangosky says that the Spartan IV program will not be shrouded in secrecy like the past projects and it is open to volunteers as long as they can prove themselves.
But that lags like crazy for most phones.
There are too many things going on here and there on this forum for it to be that practical on the mobile interface.