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Everything posted by nàme

  1. That is a ******* joke. My friend is a Halo fanatic (every game, but no gold live) and now he has no firefight? C'mon. At least with Halo 2 it had the best campaign ever, but now hes stuck with a company hes never used, and a hope that campaign is good. Big misstep here.
  2. Add Pinnacle and Uncaged to SWAT FFS

    1. Azaxx


      Wont be, it was taken out ages ago.

  3. Swat has almost been ruined for me. Yes, I made an account to complain. That's how bad it is. You kept my two most hated maps in Halo, and removed my two SWAT favourites. DAFUQ? Pinnacle was chosen every time so there is no way that is wasn't wanted, and even then it was a more rare map to play on, so why bother? Now the only map I like on SWAT is zealot, and we all know how much that is played on... What you catered to is the eliteist players of Halo who go on the forums frequently, as opposed to the massive amounts of players who solely spend time on consoles. Honestly, it is up to the players to decide whether or not to spawn kill. How about this, if you complain about spawn killing, simply avoid them *GASP*. No more problem spawn killers, and we get more maps. Fair solution to everyone.
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