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conor live

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Everything posted by conor live

  1. i have earned all 7 vidmaster achievements but i do not have the recon armor in halo 3 is there something i still need to do or do i just have to wait. i have heard that there is a button on your service record on bungie but there isn't one on mine and i am sure that is because bungie has stopped updating the website is there anything i can do please help me
  2. i have heard that you do not need to get the vidmaster achievements to get the recon armor anymore. if this is the case what do you have to do to get it.
  3. i am looking for people who still want to get the halo 3 odst vidmaster achievements endure and deja vu i know that this is an old game now and that alot of people have started playing other games but i still want to get these achievements. I already have one friend who wants them too so i just need two more people so join if you want the achievements or if you already have them and you would want to help for the fun. My gamer tag is conor live.
  4. I want to help too so send me a message and i will send you a friend request.
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