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    dj hawkes

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. howdy folks. im DJLO you can check my youtube channel out at youtube.com/djlo247 i have a lot of halo stuff on there, here's a playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCC819980316D3F82&feature=plcp so yeah. thats me.
  2. So basically, it is impossible to get certain medals right now. the main one is the thriller medal. it requires you to infect 15 humans. you cant get this in competitive mode because none of the infection games allow 16 players. i know its a specific thing, but it would be nice if we got a gametype that starts with 1 zombie(alpha?) and 15 humans. put it on some bigger maps maybe. hail to the king is another one that is hard to get, because ive only seen king of the hill like 3 times since i got reach. maybe up the chances of that game? anyone else feel this is needed? here is the medal chest so you know what im talking about http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/medals.aspx?pla%20yer=DJ%20Hawkes
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