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Everything posted by Chaotica

  1. You've probably hit the nail on the head with that. Just a brief glimpse or hint would be awesome.
  2. About the only thing I don't like about the new sniper is the new circle thing around the reticle when scoped in. It seems rather distracting.
  3. Chaotica

    4 or 5?

    Make various playlists for various team sizes. Problem solved.
  4. Haha totally understandable.
  5. There will always be a division between the nostalgia-driven, retrospective, anti-change Halo fans and the change-welcoming, prospective Halo fans. Whichever you prefer, you'll never be able convince anyone on the opposite side to your views, so all the hate threads are entirely pointless. Each to their own, period.
  6. I wouldn't mind seeing a completely new Covie species for a change.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Flood return before the trilogy is over...
  8. Haha oh heck yeah! But when all 4 'nades stick and they go into Armor Lock...oh, the annoyance
  9. Yeah, I forgot about that one. It was pretty awesome too, but it was difficult to get the grenades to stick to anyone. The homing was weak.
  10. I thought it was pretty obvious myself. One glance should be all it takes to recognize that the scope is a blatant Wall-E photoshop job.
  11. If the Focus Rifle and Reach Grenade Launcher aren't back, I shall sorely miss those. Beastly weapons.
  12. Eh, looks useless and redundant to me. It's nothing my good ole motion tracker can't do. I'd say most players would prefer a different AA, so I don't think it's overpowered.
  13. This Neighbor guy sure doesn't look like MLG to me.
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