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Everything posted by Jerbuta

  1. What Halo games do you play? Or do you play other games too?
  2. Agreed. Sometimes faith in humanity shines a tad.
  3. Hey, what's up? I applied for Xbox Ambassador a while ago but they ignored my request and never emailed back. Also, intros go here bro ;D: http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/53-introductions-goodbyes/
  4. You're in my signature! (;

  5. Oh, back in the day of Anniversary Squad.. those were the days
  6. briteesh mfw, where abouts are from in Britain?

  7. You're a Demon and I should kill you when I next see you - in the shout box. I corrected your grammar, I FEEL SO POWERFUL!
  8. On the Internet, trust is an empty hole prepared to be filled with all sorts of weird and wonderful things. I went a bit of topic there but anyway, yes - its illegal.
  9. I'm not keem, sorry man. Good luck though!
  10. User Banned: Truekill83 Reason: Because he signature saids may you walk on warm sand; when I walked on warm sand it hurt. emotionally scared for life ;-;
  11. I'm down with that. GT: Jerbuta
  12. Hey bro, I hope you don't mind me asking since I'm a newbie to this forum. How do you come about getting these awards? I have done various tasks that unlock these awards but I don't get them? Do I request them or what D:

    1. John-117


      You ask a mod to give them to you

  13. I personally knew the campaign was going to be brilliant, I like prototype because of tis free-roam mode, I think it's a boss.
  14. Your signature.. is awesome.

  15. Hey guys, since Halo 4 is appraoching sooner and sooner, does anyone want to play though the Halo 3 campaign with me? I've completed on legendary before but just want to relive some old times! If you are up for it, post your gamer tag below and I'll add you, or you can add mine. GT: Jerbuta
  16. I have heard many mixed reviews about Prototype 2, what did you think? I think it's just as good as the first but could of been improved some more.
  17. Yes, I think they should assign a team to focus on Halo: CEA since a lot of people still use it for campaign and it's awesome multiplayer maps, theatre would be nice too.
  18. The title saids it all, if you know it; post it!
  19. Hey Twam, is there anyway to see all the permission groups?

  20. Dual wield SMGs? Ah, those were the days.
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