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Jackal (2/19)



  1. well i think that the rihno and hawk wight be to scale but i will work on the horrnet
  2. gamer tag: JJAG3 map: asetic hawk horrnet and rihno description: 3 unsc vechiles from halo wars
  3. sorry yes but thats where the best gameplay was from yes, both sides are identical but that were the coolest images i got ill get more from both sides
  4. gamer tag: JJAG3 maps: factory game types: slayer,territories,king of the hill,assualt,neutural bomb assualt,and one bomb assualt discription: this map is for 5v5, and placed in a abandon UNSC factory,key points are on top of cranes and on the conveaor belt doors http://halo.xbox.com...etails=28912609
  5. gamer tag: JJAG3 map: New Mombasa game type: toxin description: This is for 16 players. the spartans from halo 3 ODST dropped a toxic gas and all the dead elites and humans became zombies and the forces must team up to survive http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29589392 http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29589391
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